Eulogies, Tributes, and Special Addresses
Some of the best-known lectures delivered by Rabbi Lamm centered around tributes and special occasions.
- A Rabbi's Appraisal of Professor Albert Einstein (1954)
- Presentation of "The Leo Jung Jubilee Volume" (1962)
- Memorial Service for Jews from Czechoslovakia (1962)
- Grow Up! (includes tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt) (1962)
- The Sun Has Set: Tribute to President John F. Kennedy (1963)
- Eulogy for Stanley M. Harrison (1971)
- Eulogy for Haham Dr. Solomon Gaon (1975)
- Eulogy for a Little Bird (1976)
- By Word, On Parchment, In Stone - An Appreciation of Dr. Samuel Belkin (1976)
- Eulogy for Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein (1979)
- Eulogy for Rabbi Morris Besdin (1982)
- Max Stern: An Appreciation (1982)
- Eulogy for Dr. Hyman B. Grinstein (1982)
- The Excellent Saint and the Rosh Yeshivah (1983)
- Eulogy for Rabbi Nison Alpert (1986)
- A Tribute to Herbert Tenzer (1986)
- Max Etra: A Tribute at the Occasion of his Funeral (1987)
- Tribute to Jack Weiler (1993)
- Eulogy for Ludwig Jesselson (1993)
- Eulogy for Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (1993)
- Eulogy for Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (1995)
- Eulogy in Honor of Rabbi Louis Bernstein (1995)
- Eulogy for Dr. Marvin Baumol (1998)
- Eulogy for Morris (Moshe) Green (1999)
- Minnie Etra, 1894-1999 (1999)
- Eulogy for Dr. Yosef Burg (1999)
- "His Life Was a Song": A Memorial Tribute to Philip Belz (2000)
- Eulogy for Rabbi Steven Dworkin (2003)
- Eulogy for Mikey Butler (2004)
- The Conservative Innovations: A General Critical View (1954)
- Welcome to New Members (1955)
- A Short Biography of a Great Sage: Maimonides After Seven and One Half Centuries (1955)
- Rationalism and Rationalization: A Lesson for Moderns' from the Code of Maimonides (1955)
- Talk on Occasion of Presentation of Sefer Torah by Cohen Family (1955)
- Shalom Zakhar (1956)
- The Tragedy of the Crippled Verses (1956)
- Jewish Book Month Sermon (1957)
- Grandeur: A Jewish Definition (1960)
- Religion in a Technological Society (1960)
- Appeal for U.J.A. (1962)
- Congregation Kodimoh, Springfield, MA, Dedication Address (1963)
- The Jews and the Ecumenical Council (1963)
- Address at Home of Dr, Samuel Belkin at Signing of Contract for the Erna Michael College for Hebraic Studies (1966)
- Coercion and Consent (1970)
- Kissinger and the Jews (1975)
- First Chag Ha-Semicha Address (1978)
- Notes of an Unrepentant Darshan (1986)