- An Alternate Route to Sanctity (1953)
- The Elul Mood (1954)
- The Battlefield Priest (Editor's Title) (1961)
- At Summer's End (1963)
- The Month of the Door (1966)
- One Nation, All Alone, Under God (1973)
- Selichot Lecture: Teshuvah and Selichah (1975)
- The One Thing I Really Want (1975)
- A Change of Face and a Change of Pace (1951)
- The Lonely People (editor's title) (1952)
- Kissing Without Clinging (editor's title) (1952)
- The Only Story (1953)
- The Perils of Conformity (1954)
- Hope to G-d (1955)
- A Plea for Proper Pride (1955)
- Why is G-d Silent (1956)
- Women of Valor (editor's title) (1956)
- The Call for Sanity (1957)
- On Avoiding the Easy Solutions (1957)
- The Courage to be Yourself (1958)
- Thou Shalt Not Forget (1958)
- The Bitter Truth (1959)
- The Call to Sanity (1960)
- What Hast Thou in the House (1960)
- Let There Be Light (1961)
- The Fountain of Life (1961)
- Three Who Cried (1962)
- The Sense of Shame (1962)
- On the Highway of Life (1963)
- The Revelation of Man (1963)
- Pride and Vanity (1964)
- A Call to Consciousness (editor's title) (1964)
- The Shofar: A Dual Symbol (1965)
- If I Were a Prophet (1965)
- Today (1966)
- The Curtain Rises (1967)
- Have We Lost Control? (1968)
- All The World's a Wedding (1969)
- The Greatest Trial (1969)
- Banishing Superficiality (editor's title) (1970)
- Davka (1971)
- The Allure Of The Repulsive (1972)
- Women's Rights and Right Women (1973)
- The Akedah - Again (1974)
- The Silent Shofar (1975)
- Three Sign-posts on the Road of Return (1951)
- Accident Prevention on the Highway of Life (1953)
- Hebrew Derasha for Shabbat Shuva - Holy and Constant (editor's title) (1955)
- Yiddish Derasha for Shabbat Shuvah (1956)
- Hebrew Derasha for Shabbat Shuvah (1958)
- We Must Return (1959)
- But (1962)
- Faith and Knowledge (1964)
- Let Man Begin (1973)
- Heart and Mind (1975)
- The Lesson of Job (editor's title) (1951)
- Decalogue or Demons (editor's title) (1952)
- Three Things (editor's title) (1953)
- Matters of Life and Death (1953)
- A Prayer Must Have Wings (1955)
- The Inner Kernel (editor's title) (1956)
- A New Home (editor's title) (1957)
- Every Man Is Beloved (editor's title) (1957)
- Rekindled Devotion (editor's title) (1958)
- The Hour Against Eternity (1958)
- Lo Yadati (1959)
- I am a Jew (editor's title) (1959)
- Hear, O Father (1960)
- The Way of Honor (1961)
- Heaven on Earth (1961)
- Passing Life By (1962)
- Shoes and the Soul (1962)
- Who Cares About G-d? (1963)
- Body and Soul (1963)
- The Royal Reach (1964)
- Divine Silence - Or Human Static? (1965)
- Everybody Is a Somebody (1965)
- On Doing Right by Yourself (1966)
- But (1967)
- All the King's Men (1967)
- The God-Man Credibility Gap (1968)
- Give and Get (editor's title) (1969)
- On To Eden (1969)
- One Hour (1970)
- Beyond Life and Back Again (1971)
- Come Home (1972)
- Happy Though Hungry (1973)
- Diffidence and Indifference (1974)
- Judaism from the Inside (1975)
- A Point to Prove (editor's title) (1954)
- They Lived with Their Boots On (1955)
- Seeing Stars (1955)
- Extreme Moderation (1956)
- The Positive Impact of the Negative (1956)
- The Restless Jew (editor's title) (1958)
- Save and Prosper (1959)
- In the Shadow of Faith (1959)
- On Doing Without (1960)
- The Cult of Youth (1960)
- A Sermon for the Sensitive (1961)
- Man as Inheritance (1961)
- The Ark and the Tablets (1962)
- Indispensability: Myth and Fact (1963)
- The Illusions We Live By (1964)
- What Happiness Is Not (1964)
- Backbone: A Sermon on the Anatomy of the Spirit (1965)
- Men of Means and Men of Ends (1965)
- The Booth of Alienation (1966)
- The Starry Night (1967)
- The Anatomy of an Etrog (1968)
- Koheleth: Looking Too Far Ahead (1968)
- By The Way (1969)
- The Potter's Booth (1971)
- A Slightly Sarcastic Sermon (1971)
- Man Is More Than Sekhakh (1972)
- Peace in Pieces (1973)
- No Fault Theology (1974)
- Sukkot Without Suffering (1975)
- Double Portion (editor's title) (1953)
- A Heroic Life (editor's title) (1954)
- Betwixt and Between (1955)
- Last Blessing or Last Fling (1957)
- Which Way the Wind Blows (1966)
- Life, Livelihood, and Living (1967)
- How Can We Be Happy on this Simchat Torah? (1973)
- Is It Worth Trying? (1974)
- Reworking the Past (1975)
- Names - Living up to Them and Living them Down (1951)
- Gratitude (1952)
- The Meaning of Gratitude (1952)
- Isaac - History's Thanksgiving Sermon (1954)
- The Leaning Jews of America: A Sermon on Posture (1955)
- Thank Heaven (1961)
- America, Bless God (1962)
- The Progressive Candles: A Commentary on Jewish Life (1952)
- The Meaning of Beauty (1952)
- A Theology of Respect (editor's title) (1954)
- Religion Is Life (editor's title) (1955)
- The Menorah and the Mizbeiach (editor's title) (1956)
- Variations in the Hanukkah Theme (1958)
- On Being Too Practical (1960)
- Kindlers and Carriers of Judaism's Light (1960)
- The Silence of Jacob (1961)
- The Lodger's Light (1962)
- What's the Use? (1963)
- Half the Hanukkah Story (1967)
- The Purists (1968)
- Afterwards (1974)
- It's Dark Outside (1975)
- Sermon delivered at Biannual Convention of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations in Rye, New York (2000)
- Man As Tree (1966)
- Ecology and the Bible (1970)
- The Meaning of Wealth (1953)
- A Census that Makes Sense (1955)
- The Wealth of a Nation (1955)
- The Cure Before the Illness (editor's title) (1956)
- To Own Is to Owe (1962)
- Balancing the Books of Life (1963)
- Keep Thyself Far From an Inoperative Statement (1974)
- Money and Morale: Israel's Problems (1975)
- Bending or Breaking? (editor's title) (1952)
- Purim's Third Moral (1953)
- Remembering - Recording or Reliving? (1954)
- Hands Off (1955)
- Listen Carefully (editor's title) (1958)
- Memorial Address for Jews from Czechoslovakia (1962)
- Fateful Days (1962)
- The Royal Insomnia (1963)
- Haman's Accusation - Are We Guilty or Absolved? (1966)
- Neither Here Nor There (1968)
- In Defense of Samuel (1970)
- Did Auschwitz Ever Happen? (1971)
- Rising Expectations (1972)
- A Hale and Hearty Hate (1973)
- Providing an Excuse for Haman (1975)
- The Jewish Naivete: A Purim Story All Year (1976)
- A Rabbi's Tribute to Yeshiva University (1953)
- Running Commentary (1954)
- The Taste of Torah (1959)
- For the Love of Life (1960)
- Vietnam and the Jewish Conscience (1968)
- For God's Sake, Do Something (1969)
- The Relevance of Irrelevance (1970)
- Spiritual Leadership (1973)
- Judaism Without Explanations (1976)
- Observation and Calculation: Two Sources of Sacred Knowledge (1952)
- The Meaning of Time (1953)
- Talking Without Walking (editor's title) (1957)
- This Month and Every Month (1962)
- The Great Dialogue (1964)
- Novelty and Renewal (1965)
- Time, Space, and Man (1966)
- Renewal (1971)
- A Finger, A Hand, An Arm; Three Levels of Understanding G-d in History (1952)
- Every Sabbath Is a Great Sabbath (1953)
- A Jewish View of Capital Punishment (1955)
- Mitzvat Haggadah (1958)
- Some Aspects of the Mitzvah of the Haggadah (1959)
- The Tokens of Servitude (1960)
- Sanctifying and Conquering Time (editor's title) (1961)
- The Sabbath of Greatness (1962)
- A Passover Insight into Sabbath (1962)
- A Miracle of Greatness - Cong. Oheb Zedek (editor's title) (1966)
- The New Morality and Ancient Egypt (1968)
- Compassion and Contempt (editor's title) (1975)
- If I Can't Have a Little Miracle, I'll Take a Big One (1976)
- The Belief in Resurrection- A Matter of Life and Death (1952)
- Fulfilling a Vow (editor's title) (1953)
- The Meaning of Resurrection (1953)
- A Compass for Freedom (editor's title) (1953)
- Approach and Retreat - A Lecture on Shir Hashirim (editor's title) (1954)
- What Are You Doing? (1955)
- Those Who Live and Those Who Live On (1955)
- For the Love of Jews (1955)
- By the Inner Light: A New Definition of Freedom (1955)
- Questions That Must Be Lived (1956)
- Past, Present, and Future (editor's title) (1956)
- Three Reasons to Make Aliyah (editor's title) (1956)
- Because Of This Are We Free (1956)
- Entrusted and Reclaimed (editor's title) (1956)
- Constructive Contempt (1957)
- The Season of Love (editor's title) (1957)
- Enough is Enough (1957)
- Sweetening Life's Bitter Waters (1958)
- Hurry and Haste (1958)
- The Second Son (1959)
- A Rock, a Fortress, a Refuge (1960)
- The Worship of Love (1961)
- The Total View (1961)
- The Wise and the Foolish (1962)
- Messiah's Credentials (1962)
- Freedom - Earned or Spurned (1963)
- Thoughts of Spring (1963)
- On Being Responsible (1963)
- Be Not Over Wise (1964)
- On Influencing the Future (1964)
- The Leap of Faith (1965)
- Recounting and Reliving (1965)
- Creative Remnants or: Leaven from Heaven (1966)
- The Fourth Son (1966)
- Solomon's Song of the Absurd (1966)
- A Song of Longing (1967)
- How Much is the the World Worth? (1967)
- Bitter-Sweet (1967)
- Our Four Fathers (1968)
- Questioning Tradition (1969)
- Sweet Exile (1969)
- The Yeshiva Universe (1969)
- Passover As Irony (1970)
- A Past Worth Perpetuating (1970)
- Songs For Our Times (1970)
- In Perseverance (1971)
- Too Much of a Good Thing (1971)
- The Paschal Lamb and the Sacred Bull (1972)
- The Knowing Heart (1972)
- It's Time To Go Home (1972)
- Wondering At and Wondering Why (1972)
- Furthermore (1972)
- Harmony Without Homogenization (1973)
- Triumph Without Triumphalism (1973)
- Creative Nostalgia (1974)
- Lions and the Dogs and Doves and Hawks (1974)
- The Marriage Metaphor (1975)
- The Bread of Faith (1975)
- Pharaoh's Heart - Again (1975)
- The Old Man (1975)
- A Mother's Reproach (1976)
- The Senses of Torah (1976)
- The Same Old Thing? (1976)
- To A Hundred and Twenty? (1976)
Time, Tenacity, and Tactic (1953)
Remembering: Recording or Reliving? (1954)
Memorial Service for Jews From Czechoslovakia (1962)
Neither Here Nor There (1968)
Did Auschwitz Ever Happen? (1971)
The Jewish Naivete (1976)
- Israel Independence Day (1955)
- Every Name Under the Sun (editor's title) (1957)
- Chag He-Asor (1958)
- Grandeur: A Jewish Definition (1960)
- A Day of Good Tidings (1961)
- A National Insurance Policy (editor's title) (1962)
- Our Dependence Upon Israel's Independence (1965)
- God, Man, and State (1966)
- Address to College Youth (1968)
- Wishing the World a Speedy Recovery (1974)
- Quality Over Quantity (editor's title) (1956)
- When Rabbi Simeon Wept (1960)
- The Rest of the World (1966)
- What G-d Found in the Desert - the Moral of Shevuoth (1952)
- There is Religion and There is Religion (1954)
- What is Torah? (1954)
- On the Look-Out (1955)
- Four Steps (1955)
- Affirming the Vow of Torah (editor's title) (1956)
- Keeping it Fresh (editor's title) (1956)
- Anonymity or Eternity (editor's title) (1956)
- Broken Commandments (editor's title) (1957)
- In Defense of Minor Mitzvot (editor's title) (1958)
- The Light from Sinai (1960)
- No Short Cuts (1962)
- Sinai Desanctified (1963)
- A Previous Engagement (1964)
- Strange Medicine (1964)
- Sinai - Burden or Blessing? (1966)
- O Jerusalem (1967)
- This Very Day (1968)
- The Arrogance of Modernism (1969)
- The Quiet After the Storm (1969)
- Why Moral People Need Torah (1970)
- The Age of Gemini (1971)
- Waiting (1972)
- The Other Revelation (1973)
- Rise and Shine (1974)
- A Kind Word for the Living (1975)
- How Do You Know You're Awake? (1976)
- The Meaning of Tragedy (1951)
- Fill the Void (editor's title) (1961)
- When We Try to Keep God in His Place (1964)
- The Veil of God (1965)
- The World United (1969)
- The Mechanics of Consolation (1970)
- Why So Angry, O Lord? (1974)
- The Belief in Resurrection- A Matter of Life and Death (1952)
- Matters of Life and Death (1953)
- Repaying the Lord (editor's title) (1953)
- A Heroic Life (editor's title) (1954)
- The End of Life (editor's title) (1956)
- Man is Beloved (1957)
- I Am a Jew (editor's title) (1959)
- Hear, O Father (1960)
- Heaven on Earth (1961)
- Body and Soul (1963)
- All the King's Men (1967)
- One Hour (1970)