- The Jewish Notion of Paradise (1954)
- The World We Live in (1961)
- Good G-d (1962)
- Adam's Crime Compounded (1963)
- Looking at the World with New Eyes (1964)
- The Impersonation of God (1965)
- The Three Faces of Adams (1969)
- How to Read the Torah (1971)
- A Big Protest Against Small Sins (editor's title) (1952)
- The Second Chance (1953)
- A Credo for the Pulpit (1954)
- The Generation of the Tower and a Towering Generation (1955)
- The Lion's Share (1966)
- The Ethics of Protest (1968)
- To Be a Man (1972)
- Hello, Cruel World (1973)
- If You Need Help - Call! (1974)
- Noah and Jonah (1975)
- Jerusalem's 3000th Anniversary (1953)
- Welcome to the New Members (1955)
- Walking with God (editor's title) (1955)
- The Kings' War (editor's title) (1956)
- Chaos and Confidence (1959)
- Barter, Contract or Covenant (1960)
- Stature Symbols (1961)
- Grow Up! (1962)
- Two Questions (1963)
- Altruism as a Necessity (1964)
- Godless Goodness (1965)
- The Shield of Abraham (1967)
- The Election of Abraham (1968)
- The Abraham Within Us (1969)
- Down the Up Staircase (1971)
- A Jewish Dilemma: Doing Business with the Russians (1972)
- Suffering by Comparison (1974)
- Jewish Youth Is Not What It Used to Be (1975)
- Names - Living up to Them and Living them Down (1951)
- The Prerequisite for Greatness (1952)
- How to Debate with G-d (1954)
- Politics and the Pulpit: A Pre-election Sermon (1955)
- The Responsibilities of Righteousness (editor's title) (1956)
- The Lot of Lot (1957)
- Putting a Bad Conscience to Good Use (1966)
- Hospitality in Theory and in Practice (1968)
- Abi Gezunt (1973)
- Tradition and Innovation (1974)
- Don't Underestimate Yourself (1952)
- The Age of the Giants (editor's title) (1956)
- On Remaining Unperturbed (1959)
- Words - Scarce and Sacred (1960)
- Frankness as Vice and as Virtue (1962)
- Two Personalities: A Study in Contrasts (1952)
- Isaac - History's Thanksgiving Sermon (1954)
- Notes from Rav Soloveitchik's parsha shiur on Toldot (1954)
- Jacob's Deception (editor's title) (1955)
- Aggression and Immorality (editor's title) (1956)
- A Tragedy of Errors (editor's title) (1956)
- The View from the Brink (1962)
- Religion by Relegation (1965)
- Legitimately Jewish (1969)
- An Obscene Rumor Rises Again (1972)
- Beyond Cynicism (1975)
- The Stone on the Well - Pebble or Boulder? (1952)
- The Wonderful Failing of Orthodox Judaism (1954)
- The Progression of Jacob's Dreams (editor's title) (1955)
- Biblical Background Material on Midbar Sinai, Recently Conquered by Israeli troops (1956)
- Thank Heaven (1961)
- The Edge of Innocence (1966)
- Stolen Gods (1967)
- The Trees of the Forest: In Memory of Chief Rabbi Levin of Moscow (1971)
- Israel Belongs Nowhere (1974)
- Dear Fellow Racists... (1975)
- Jacob's Peace Treaty - A Lesson for Our Times (1952)
- What Art Thou and What are These? (1955)
- Two Kinds of War (editor's title) (1956)
- The Ways of Esau (1960)
- Under the Terebinth (1962)
- Sincerely Yours (1965)
- Some Fatherly Advice (1969)
- Growing Pains (1972)
- A History of the Future (1973)
- Talk To Bar Mitzvah (1953)
- Variations in the Hanukkah Theme (1958)
- The Silence of Jacob (1961)
- What's the Use? (1963)
- Fulfillment (1966)
- Where Angels Fear to Tread (1971)
- The Plot against Jacob (1973)
- Afterwards (1974)
- On Being Out Of Touch (1955)
- Three Tables (1969)
- It's Dark Outside (1975)
- Reuniting over Shema (editor's title) (1955)
- On the Highway of Life (1960)
- Joseph's Gifts to his Brothers (1961)
- Religion with a Future (1963)
- The Things That Unite Us (1966)
- On Being Consistent To a Fault (1968)
- The Lunar Perspective (1968)
- History as His Story (1971)
- A Qualification for Jewish Leadership (1972)
- Remember Me? (1974)
- Divrei Torah (1975)
- Gratitude (1952)
- The Meaning of Gratitude (1952)
- A Pleasant Torah (editor's title) (1955)
- An Old Shirt for a Young Prince (editor's title) (1955)
- Struggle and Triumph: A Study in Jewish Character (1960)
- The Pit Revisited (1964)
- God is Alive (1966)
- A Borderline Case (1969)
- The Creative Use of Crisis (1972)
- No Time for Kid Stuff (1974)
- The Mood in Israel (1974)
- Kissinger and the Jews (1975)
- The Unseen and the Unsaid (1952)
- The Kind of Revolution We Need (1953)
- The Birth of Moses (editor's title) (1955)
- Social Justice: A Prophetic Cause (editor's title) (1956)
- Soft Words and Hard Facts (1959)
- The Staff of Moses (1961)
- The Rod of God and the Crutch of Man (1963)
- Menschlichkeit (1964)
- God is Alive: Getting Personal with God (1966)
- Aliyah and Hitalut (1968)
- The Bible Views a New Administration (1969)
- Some First Impressions of a Visit in Israel (1971)
- Reactions to the Yom Kippur War (1974)
- Why? (1975)
- A Distinction Without a Difference (editor's title) (1952)
- The Meaning of Fear (1953)
- On Having a Heart (1955)
- Man and His Needs (1962)
- All the World's a Wedding (1964)
- The Long and the Short of It (1966)
- From Tolerance to Sensitivity (1967)
- Confrontation: When, Where, and How? (1969)
- Promise and Fulfillment (1970)
- The Religious Situation in Israel (1971)
- The Ups and Downs of Life (1973)
- The Posture of Greatness (1974)
- The Vatican Commission and Its Omission (1975)
- Sensitivity Training (1976)
- The Northwind at Midnight (1953)
- Leading from Up Close and Afar (editor's title) (1954)
- To Teach Religion, We Must be Truly Religious (editor's title) (1957)
- The Source of Darkness (1959)
- Of Fire and Water (1963)
- The Unmasking of Evil (1964)
- Nature and History (1965)
- Temper- Lost And Found (1968)
- Neither Thy Honey Nor Thy Sting (1969)
- Fate or Destiny (1970)
- The New Russian-Jewish Immigrants in Israel (1972)
- The Pharaoh Without a Name (1973)
- When God Plays Games (1974)
- The Calm and the Rage (1975)
- Questions for Tomorrow (1976)
- What makes A Jewish Song Jewish? (1952)
- The Meaning of Faith (1953)
- Singing our Own Song (editor's title) (1956)
- Nachas (1962)
- Eternity for a Song (1963)
- A Call to Confidence (1964)
- On Choosing the Right Weapons (1965)
- Never Again - The JDL and the Establishment (1971)
- Kulturkampf: The Religious Situation in Israel Today (1972)
- The Varieties of Anonymity (1974)
- P.L.O. - The Noble illusion, the Ugly Reality (1976)
- A Bar Mitzvah Talk (1952)
- How Many Are the Ten Commandments? (1952)
- The Strange Fate of the Fifth Commandment (1953)
- The Importance of Anochi (editor's title) (1954)
- The Leaning Jews of America: A Sermon on Posture (1955)
- A Step Backwards in the Right Direction (1956)
- O Lord, How Long? (1960)
- In the Days of Smallness (1962)
- The Thrill of a Lifetime (1963)
- Judaism as an Alternative (1965)
- Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism (1968)
- Caught Napping (1969)
- Barukh Hashem (1973)
- Let Them Leave, Let them Live (1976)
- The Meaning of Wealth (1953)
- Running Commentary on Sidra in Place of Sermon (1954)
- The Place of Jewish Law In Jewish Life (1954)
- The Greatest Injustice (editor's title) (1957)
- From Deflection to Defection (1967)
- Enlightened Self-Interest (1971)
- Judaism's Open Secret (1972)
- Slavery at the Threshold of Freedom (1973)
- Keep Thyself Far from an Inoperative Statement (1974)
- How Not to Give Charity (editor's title) (1952)
- Unnatural Religion (1953)
- Ner Tamid - Eternal Light and Everlasting Powerhouse (1954)
- How Many Does It Take to Build a Tabernacle in a Desert (1954)
- And They Shall Make for Me a Temple (editor's title) (1957)
- Chutzpah (1957)
- The House that Solomon Built: An Ancient Commentary on the Modern Synagogue (1960)
- Uplifted (1961)
- Tabernacle and Temple (1965)
- Living Up To Your Image (1968)
- Why Synagogues Fail (1969)
- Who is a Jew? (1970)
- The Theology of Fund-Raising (1971)
- The Illogic of Logical Conclusions (1973)
- It's Where You're At (1975)
- I Gave Already (1976)
- Bending or Breaking? (editor's title) (1952)
- Seeing Beyond the Synagogue (editor's title) (1954)
- Beaten But Unbowed (editor's title) (1957)
- Hearing Voices (editor's title) (1958)
- The Warehouses of Wisdom (1962)
- Special Assignments (1967)
- In Defense of Samuel (1970)
- The Education of a Leader (1976)
- A Premature Obituary and an Immature Religion (1955)
- Riding on a Cloud (editor's title) (1957)
- Lift Your Head (editor's title) (1958)
- Stubbornness (1959)
- Sleeping Gods (1961)
- Insights Into Evil (1964)
- Confrontation: A Parable (1965)
- Ecology & the Bible (1970)
- Reflections on a Mirror (1957)
- Dialogues Overdone (1967)
- Vietnam and the Jewish Conscience (1968)
- Creation & Recreation (1970)
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (1974)
- Fearing for Israel, Fearing for America (editor's title) (1956)
- Judaism and Jewishness: They Are Inseparable (1956)
- An Upright Torah (1965)
- Time, Space and Man (1966)
- Responding with Alacrity (editor's title) (1952)
- The Meaning of Sacrifice (1953)
- Good Guilt (editor's title) (1956)
- Chance or Providence (1960)
- Show and Tell (1963)
- The Great Dialogue (1964)
- Sweet, Sour, or Salty? (1966)
- The Man in the Middle (1967)
- Doing God's Thing (1969)
- Body and Soul (1974)
- The Bright Side (1975)
- Every Sabbath Is a Great Sabbath (1953)
- Bar Mitzvah Charge (1954)
- Saying, Speaking, Responding (editor's title) (1954)
- The Inside Story (1965)
- Yizkor in Retrospect (1953)
- Running Commentary (1954)
- Kavod and Kedusha (editor's title) (1957)
- Antiseptic Religion (1967)
- Beyond Respect (1971)
- As If Things Weren't Bad Enough (1972)
- Which Double Standard (1975)
- Great but a Leper (1954)
- Israel Turns Seven (editor's title) (1955)
- Jewish Mothers (1969)
- There is a Prophet in Israel (1970)
- Four by Four (editor's title) (1952)
- A Deafening Silence (editor's title) (1956)
- A Day of Good Tidings (1961)
- Aspects of Creativity (1963)
- God, Man and State (1966)
- A Moral Diagnosis (1967)
- The Varieties of Vulgarity (1968)
- Wishing the World a Speedy Recovery (1974)
- The Process of Tradition (1959)
- The Normal Jew (1962)
- Our Dependence Upon Israel's Independence (1965)
- Something Different for a Change (1973)
- It All Depends (1976)
- The Meaning of Holiness (1953)
- Challenge and Response (1955)
- We Are Different (editor's title) (1956)
- Let Criticism Be Welcome (1961)
- Can I Love My Neighbor If I Hate Myself? (1964)
- Normal is Not Average (editor's title) (1968)
- How Relevant Should Halakhah Be? (1971)
- Blind Spots (1972)
- Torah and the Ways of the World (1974)
- Out of Respect (1975)
- Quality Over Quantity (editor's title) (1956)
- Israel Independence Sabbath (1957)
- The Pursuit of Fun (1961)
- The Kohen Today (1962)
- The Failure of Conscience (1963)
- So Help Me God (1967)
- Jewish Mothers, Part II (1969)
- The Sons of Aaron (1974)
- The Causes and Cures of a Recurring Curse (1975)
- True Liberty (editor's title) (1954)
- It's None of Your Business (editor's title) (1954)
- Inside and Outside (editor's title) (1958)
- The Estranged: Our War on Poverty (1965)
- Confessions of a Confused Rabbi (1970)
- Here and There (1971)
- In Praise Of Impracticality (1972)
- Sons and Servants (1973)
- Thanking Our Father in Heaven for Our Mothers on Earth (1953)
- Learning to Listen (1955)
- On Keeping in a Dither (1962)
- The Tablets Within (1965)
- In This Hour of Crisis (1967)
- Attitudes to Life (1973)
- By Word on Parchment, In Stone (1976)
- The American Council for Judaism: Neither American Nor for Judaism (1953)
- Torah in the Wilderness (editor's title) (1956)
- Near and Far (editor's title) (1957)
- A Geography of the Spirit (1960)
- Banners in the Desert (1961)
- On Keeping Our Motives Pure (1963)
- Unclaimed (1964)
- Beyond Mitzvot (1966)
- Law and Order (1968)
- The Wilderness Within & Without (1969)
- Power and Peace (1970)
- The First Schlemihl (1974)
- Means and Ends (editor's title) (1953)
- Silent, Stuttering Jews (editor's title) (1954)
- A Jewish Definition of Peace (1959)
- Three Long Lessons from One Short War (1967)
- The Quest for the Supernatural (1969)
- Samson: The Pathetic Hero (1972)
- Aristocracy in Jewish Society (1973)
- A Piece of Peace (1974)
- Visions of Peace: Over Idealization and Under Realization (1976)
- Seeing the Essence (editor's title) (1954)
- Far Away (editor's title) (1956)
- The Search for Goodness (1960)
- A Definition of Anivut (1963)
- Spiritual Truancy (1964)
- A Flair for the Undramatic (1965)
- Upstream (1966)
- Violence (1968)
- ... Even If It Means Going by Foot (1969)
- Rising Expectations (1970)
- Old Reliable (1973)
- Are Conversions Successful? (1974)
- If There Is No Flour (1975)
- Can We Afford a Praying Man as President (1976)
- As the Gentile Goes (editor's title) (1952)
- How to Be Dishonest Without Telling a Lie (editor's title) (1955)
- On Showing Your True Colors (1967)
- Jews Against Jews (1969)
- The New Generation - A Summer View (1971)
- Does It Pay To Be Good? (1972)
- Peace and Truth: Part-Time Opponents (1951)
- Authenticity in Jewish Life and Leadership (editor's title) (1954)
- Mother and Child Sabbath (1958)
- The Makings of a Man (1961)
- Re-enacting an Old Drama (1963)
- Rebel and Revolutionary (1964)
- The Double Standard (1966)
- The Ethics of Controversy (1969)
- Too Wise, Too Foolish (1974)
- The Rebel Within Each of Us (1975)
- A Rabbi's Tribute to Yeshiva University (1953)
- The Taste of Torah (1959)
- For the Love of Life (1960)
- For God's Sake, Do Something (1969)
- The Relevance of Irrelevance (1970)
- Weakness - The Fatal Flaw (1972)
- Spiritual Leadership (1973)
- Judaism Without Explanations (1976)
- The Best of Intentions (editor's title) (1951)
- Turning Curses into Blessings (editor's title) (1954)
- Vacation as Vocation and Avocation (1964)
- What Hath God Wrought? (1975)
- The Entebbe Rescue (1976)
- The Still, Small Voice (editor's title) (1954)
- Good Enough (editor's title) (1957)
- Great Ideas Are Dangerous (1975)
- The Intelligence of the Donkey (editor's title) (1956)
- The Disciples of Aaron (1960)
- The Meaning of Tragedy (1951)
- The Mechanics of Consolation (1970)
- Making Hay out of Religion (1951)
- How a Spark Becomes a Flame (editor's title) (1954)
- The Ellul Mood (1954)
- Choose Life! (editor's title) (1957)
- The Month of the Door (1966)
- The Lord's Children (1967)
- Stained Hands and Clouded Eyes (1951)
- Should Communism Be Taught in Our Schools? The Religious Point of View (1954)
- Thoughtlessness (1960)
- The Battlefield Priest (editor's title) (1961)
- A King of Israel (1965)
- The Talmud and Nixon's Tapes (1973)
- Justice Justice - Plus Just a Little Jewish Compassion (1974)
- Apologetics Without Apologies (editor's title) (1976)
- Afterthoughts on the Recent New England Hurricane (1954)
- The Humane Societies (editor's title) (1957)
- Ki Tezeh (1961)
- The Ethics of Safety (1962)
- The Religious Foundation of Business (1963)
- Law and Love (1967)
- Righteousness - The Real Reason (1968)
- The Limits of Individualism (1971)
- Is the Family Finished? (1973)
- An Unforgettable Devar Torah (1974)
- Thank God! (editor's title) (1955)
- Inside and Outside (editor's title) (1957)
- Forgetting God (editor's title) (1957)
- Selichot (1958)
- Believe in Life (1960)
- Selihot - First Fruits of the New Year (1964)
- Fear and Forgetfulness (1965)
- The Fruits of Unity (1970)
- One Nation, All Alone, Under God (1973)
- The Torah Upheld and Restored (1974)
- American Jewry Stands Before the Jury of History: a Tercentenary Sermon (1954)
- The High Cost of Insignificance (editor's title) (1955)
- The Unbearable Curse (editor's title) (1961)
- The Secret Things (1962)
- Heart Transformations (1968)
- What It Means To Live (1969)
- Defeat as the Fault Despair (1971)
- Can Good Come From Affluence? (1972)
- At Summer's End (1963)
- For Example (1966)
- Indeed (1967)
- Surviving the Anti-Climax (1951)
- The Last Mitzvah (1974)
- Last Blessing or Last Fling? (1957)