Counseling Center Staff
Our Staff
Yael Muskat, Psy.D.
Director of the Counseling Center
Dean of Mental Health and Wellness
Debra Alper, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, Beren Campus
Yedidya (Didi) Levy, Psy.D.
Assistant Director, WILF Campus
Rochelle Ausubel, Ph.D.
Senior Psychologist
Professional Development Coordinator
Joseph (Yossi) Jacobs
Postdoctoral Fellow
Avraham Kener, LMSW
Outreach Coordinator
Charlene Khaghan, LCSW
Chaviva Levin
Psychology Intern
Aliza Lichtman, LMSW
Adam Rosen, Psy.D.
Senior Counselor
Danielle Rosenthal, LMSW
Social Work Fellow
Shira Silton, LCSW
Senior Therapist
Outreach Coordinator
Joseph (Yosef) Silfen
Psychology Extern
Russ Shulkes, Rabbi
Psychology Intern
Michael Bach, PMHNP
Judith E. Lopez
Executive Secretary
Wilf Counseling Center
(646) 592-4200
Christina Tan
Counseling Center Services Coordinator
Beren Counseling Center
(646) 592-4210
Staff Contributions to YU News
Gratitude: A Clinical Perspective
Debra Alper, Ph.D.
The Kids Are Not All Right
Debra Alper, Ph.D.
Strength Through Struggle: The Emotional Impact of COVID
Yael Muskat, Ph.D., Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
Preparing for a Post-COVID World: Jewish Smachot, Revisited.pdf
Yael Muskat, Ph.D.
To Feel or Not to Feel? Approaching Distress Through the Lens of Torah and Psychology
Debra Alper, Ph.D. (co-author: Eric Pollak, Psy.D.)
Stories of Struggle: Personal Accounts of Triumph Over Mental Illness
Yael Muskat, Ph.D.
Teshuva is Not Depressing
Martin Galla, Ph.D., Avi Muschel, Psy.D.
In the Footsteps of Avraham Avinu: The Process of Change in the Attainment of Teshuva
Yael Muskat, Psy.D., Debra Alper, Ph.D.
Understanding the Teshuva Process of the Yamim Noraim
Martin Galla, Ph.D., Avi Muschel, Psy.D.
Sukkot and Emerging Adulthood
Yael Muskat, Psy.D.
The Mitzvah of Chinuch for Young Children: Halacha, Hashkafa and Parenting Tools
Yael Muskat, Ph.D., Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
Dating 101 Part II: A Panel Discussion About Dating & Relationships
A Program from the Office of Torah & Spiritual Life with YUConnects and the Counseling Center
February 16, 2022
Ilana Barry, Psy.D., Rav Aharon Ciment, Mrs. Rachel Ciment, Mrs. Malky Galler
"Understanding Young Adult Emotional & Social Development"
Managing Mental Health During the Gap Year in Israel
Refuat Hanefesh Conference; Parent Session 1
May 23, 2021
Yael Muskat, Psy.D.
Dating and Relationships Today
Beren Campus Panel with YUConnects and the Counseling Center
May 5, 2020
Avi Muschel, Psy.D., Mrs. Malky Galler, Mrs. Rachel Ciment
YUConnects CandiDate: Are you Ready?
April 21, 2021
Avi Muschel, Psy.D.
Dating 101: A Panel on Dating and Relationships
A Program from the Office of Torah & Spiritual Life with YUConnects and the Counseling Center
February, 10, 2021
Debra Alper, Ph.D., Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky, Mrs. Rachel Ciment
Stories of Struggle: Personal Accounts of Triumph Over Mental Illness
Yeshiva University's Fifth Annual Fuld Family Medical Ethics Conference
"A Beautiful Mind: Jewish Approaches to Mental Health"
October 31, 2010
Yael Muskat, Psy.D.
In Defense of Unrealistic Expectations: Rethinking Our Premarital Education
Nefesh International Early Professional Weekend
"Innovative Ideas in 12 Minutes"
September 12, 2019
Avi Muschel, Psy.D.
Untying the Knot: Suicidality and Resilience
Nefesh International Early Professional Weekend
"Innovative Ideas in 12 Minutes"
September 12, 2019
Margo Neuburger, Psy.D.
The Emotions of Exodus: Psychological Lessons for Everyday Life
Kollel Yom Rishon
December 30, 2018
Rabbi Mark Schiffman, Ph.D.
New Year, New You: How to Enact Real, Healthy Change in your Mental Health and Personal Life
Panel hosted by Yeshiva University's Active Minds
September 4, 2018
Rabbi Mark Schiffman, Ph.D.