Requesting a Single Event
Once logged onto the system, select the ‘Create an Event’ button in the middle of the page.
This will open the Event Wizard.
There are several things that are consistent throughout the event request form—the names are colored to reflect the boxes in the below screen cap.
Event Creation Status: This keeps track of the information entered, as well as shows progress.
Date restriction: The user is not able to schedule anything more than 365 days in the future.
Information Blurb: As the form is completed, the verbiage in the right-hand column changes to reflect what is required in the field being worked in.
Main Form: All event information is entered here.
Anything marked with a red asterisk is mandatory.
Once the required fields are filled out, the ‘Next’ button will become active.
On this page, the following fields need further explanation:
Event Type: This field drives the Additional Event Information questions which will be asked later on. Please read the choices in the right-hand column carefully before deciding which fits the event best.
Primary Sponsoring Organization: This field is predictive, typing the first letters of the organization should bring it up. Because of the number of organizations, it is often easier to 'favorite' the organization for easier access.
Please notice the left-hand column—as information is entered, the data is shown here for review.
Head Count: this is required since it’s the way that spaces are assigned. 25Live will show appropriate rooms based on this number. Please try to be as accurate as possible.
Event Description for Web Calendaring: this is a text field with limited HTML; the user can embed videos and pictures, bold and italicize, or enter links. This field is editable by the user.
On this page, choose 'No', this is not a repeating event.
On this page, enter the start date and time, as well as end date and time.
Additional Time: This is time needed for the event organizer before and after the event. For instance, if the doors need to be opened earlier for people to settle in, or if the space needs to be used after the event for further discussion. It is not setup/breakdown time, that’s decided on by the Office of Events.
On the below screencap, Additional Time is set to 'Yes', with 20 minutes before and an hour afterward.
Please note the change in the Reservation Duration, even though the Event Duration did not change. The Event Duration is the time listed on the YU Calendars, while the Reservation Duration is the actual length of the reservation.
The Location Search is fairly self-explanatory, and there are helpful descriptions in the right-hand column for the options. The only one that needs some further description is the Saved Searches.
Note for Location Searches: If the same space is used repeatedly, star it and it will appear in ‘Your Starred Spaces’ and be automatically searched when arriving at this page.
Saved Searches->Public Searches offers several options for searches that were created for Yeshiva users. There are searches that are specific to each campus, so choose the one that applies.
Once a search is selected, the software will return a list of spaces.
There are two checkboxes at the bottom of the search- one is to ensure that all spaces returned are available, while the other is to enforce the headcount entered earlier.
If the first checkbox is deselected, all spaces—regardless of availability—that match the search are returned, provided the capacity is more than that indicated in the Expected Head Count field. It is suggested that this box remain checked, because room requests cannot be entered with rooms that are unavailable. If an unavailable space is needed, submit the request without a location and add in the notes the room desired and the Office of Events will work with you to find a suitable room. Unavailable rooms are indicated with a red triangle, available rooms have a green check beside them.
If the head count restriction is deselected, the interface will return all available spaces that are not already booked, regardless of capacity.
Select a space and in the right hand column the information for that space will appear, including a box where any setup instructions can be entered, as well as a pulldown to select the room layout if modifications are an option.
The next page is Resources, which are items that are not already available in the classroom. If there’s a question about the contents of the room, everything in it is listed on the location’s page as well as under ‘features’ under the selected locations header in the right hand column.
The setup is the same as Locations, searches can be run by starred resources, name, saved searches or advanced searches.
Under Saved Searches->Public Searches is a ‘Campus-Resources’ search that will list all available resources for each campus, choose the appropriate location.
If the same resource is used repeatedly, star it and it will appear in ‘Your Starred Resources’ and be the first thing searched for when this page is loaded.
Files that pertain to the event can be attached, for example: room layouts, reservation lists, or supply needs. Anyone who looks at the event can download them, but only the requester can delete or re-upload documents.
Please remember that this is available after the event, so any files that may be useful in future iterations of the event can be attached for later reference.
Note: These attachments are editable by the user after the event is submitted.
Additional Event Information contains questions that pertain to the Event Type chosen earlier in the process. Anything that’s starred is required, non-starred questions are optional.
Index Number: This is the charge number for this event/department and is required for all events.
Sponsor: Contact Onsite During Event: Please provide a name and phone number for someone either on site or available to be on site within a short period of time.
Contacts are prefilled and shouldn’t be changed.
The Requestor is the person who will receive all communications regarding the event.
The Instructor can be added if there is one associated with the event and they are in the 25Live system.
Please note the left hand column, which contains all the information entered to this point. All of the entries are hyperlinks, so if there is a mistake made, choosing the incorrect entry will reopen that page with the cursor in the field selected.
Categories are used to sort events to the correct calendar.
If the event is a Wilf/Beren event, select the categories that start with 'Yeshiva University' to ensure they’re on the correct calendar.
If it’s on Cardozo, select ‘Cs’ calendar categories.
If the event doesn’t belong on a calendar, select the 'Do Not Publish To Web' option.
Otherwise, select the calendars the event should belong on.
Additional comments are for anything that wasn’t covered earlier, things the scheduler should know.
If a room layout was uploaded as an Attached File, please indicate it here. The Office of Events will not look at any Attached Files unless requested to do so.
Select ‘I agree’, then ‘save’, and the event will be sent to the Office of Events for approval.
This is the page displayed after the request is submitted.
In the left hand column is the information entered about the event.
Note: The event number is at the bottom.
In the center are several options. View the details of the event, edit the available fields, copy the event to create another event similar to this one, or email the details to anyone who needs to see it.
Requested spaces are listed as well as any resources requested.
Additionally, there are options to create tasks related to this event, or add it to starred events.
At this point, the event will show up as a request on the dashboard- refresh the ‘Your Upcoming Events’ box, and the number of associated events will change.