Event Information

In 25Live, go to the Events tab. 
Select the Search For Events tab. 
Enter a Keyword in the box. 
Note: Please try to be specific, but brief. 
Ensure that the Dates: field is set to ‘Current and Future Dates’, so you don’t get all the events, unless that’s what you need. 
Select ‘Load List’ 

You should get all the scheduled events that contain your search term in the title.

Event Search


Location Information

To find a space’s availability:
Go to the Locations tab. 
Select the Search For Locations tab. 
Enter a keyword in the Search by Keyword field.
Note: Use a unique part of the location name, i.e. 501, Koch, Weissberg.
Select the Availability tab and chose the date desired. 
Press Load List button. 

This should show you the availability of the location on the date you are interested in. 

Location Search