Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and to responding to your queries.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.
Glueck Center for Jewish Study, Suite 632
515 West 185 Street
New York, NY 10033
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
Rosh Yeshiva and Abraham Arbesfeld Torah Dean of RIETS
Email: aryeh.lebowitz@yu.edu
Rabbi Yosef Kalinsky
Max and Marion Grill Administrative Dean of RIETS
Email: kalinsky@yu.edu
Rabbi Menachem Penner
Director of Special Projects and Dean Emeritus
Email: penner@yu.edu
Adina Kirshner
Assistant to the Dean
Telephone: 646.592.4061
Email: adina.kirshner@yu.edu
Rabbi Yaakov Taubes
Assistant Director, RIETS Programming
Telephone: 646.592.4066
Email: yaakov.taubes@yu.edu
Rabbi Ronald L. Schwarzberg
Director, The Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Dept. of
Jewish Career Development and Placement
Telephone: 646-592-4351
Email: rschwarz@yu.edu
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter
Senior Scholar
Email: jschacte@yu.edu
Rabbi Naphtali Lavenda, M.B.A.
Director, Online Rabbinic Programming, RIETS
Email: lavenda@yu.edu
Rabbi Josh Flug
Director of Torah Research
Email: jflug@yu.edu
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
RIETS Development Associate
Telephone: 646 592 4074
Email: Judah.kerbel@yu.edu
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz
Rosh Yeshiva & Assistant Director, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Semikhah Program
Telephone: 646.592.4025
Email: schwart5@yu.edu
Rabbi Larry Rothwachs
Director of Professional Rabbinics
Telephone: 646-592-4022
Email: lrothwachs@yu.edu
Rabbi Yehuda Chanales
Director of Chinuch Track, Semikha Program
Email: yehuda.chanales@yu.edu
Rabbi Neal Turk
Mashgiach, Semikha Program
Telephone: 646-592-4064
Email: neal.turk@yu.edu
Rabbi Steven Gotlib
Marketing Manager
Telephone: 646-592-4075
Email: steven.gotlib@yu.edu
Sharon Bar-David
Administrative Coordinator, RIETS
Telephone: 646.592.4065
Email: bardavid@yu.edu
Chaski Naor
Director, Business Operations
Telephone: 646.592.4062
Email: chaski.naor@yu.edu
Bonnie Leff
Administrator, Rabbinic Placement
The Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Dept. of Jewish Career Development and Placement
Telephone: 646.592.4352
Email: bonnie.leff@yu.edu