RIETS Rabbinic Alumni Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Apply to RIETS Support RIETS Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology RIETS Rabbinic Alumni RIETS Rabbinic Alumni is a century-old Torah fraternity that includes members of the pulpit and those in Jewish education, the chaplaincy (both military and health care), outreach and academia, as well as organizational professionals, roshei yeshiva [professors or Talmud], kollel fellows and the laity. The primary goal of RIETS Rabbinic Alumni is to link its more than 2,000 ordained rabbis to Yeshiva University, to RIETS and to each other. The following programs are geared toward maintaining a connection to the yeshiva and its faculty and facilitating professional growth. In addition, Rabbinic Alumni creates a social network, offers help during times of financial stress and assists the professional rabbi in dealing with new challenges. Contact RIETS Alumni | Give to the Loan Fund | Pay Alumni Dues New Rabbinic Placements The Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Department of Jewish Career Development and Placement, a division of Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future-RIETS, congratulates the following rabbis upon their new positions. See the full listLIKE our Mazal Tov Announcements on Facebook and Twitter Alumni Dues & Support Pay Alumni DuesRead the Annual Dues Mailing Letter 5785Support the Rabbinic Alumni Loan Fund Stay in Touch Update your alumni information - receive our annual mailings Monthly email updates - read about Yeshiva updates, programs of interest, alumni life-cycle events and Divrei Torah Follow Us on Twitter LIKE Us on Facebook Programs and Services Various Yarchei Kallahs, conferences and seminars for rabbis, assistant rabbis and rebbetzins Long-distance programming including Chomer Lidrush conference calls, professional rabbinic continuing education courses, monthly rabbinic webinars and long-distance personal learning courses. New for this year is the monthly “Shiur and Schmooze” with rotating RIETS roshei yeshiva, exclusive for Rabbinic Alumni. Rabbinic Alumni sponsors Yemei Iyyun, alumni shiurim, and Shabbatonim, and co-sponsors the annual Yeshiva University Hausman/Stern Kinus Teshuva Lectures Rabbanan.org Rabbanan.org is an online resource center including drasha nuggets, shiur outlines, responsa service, webinars, access to YU’s online library databases (including Bar Ilan Responsa and Otzar Hachochma) and a rabbinic blog. Placement Services Placement, professional consultation, contract negotiation and conflict resolution services are offered through the Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Department of Jewish Career Development and Placement. Helping Chaveirim in Need RIETS Alumni offers confidential interest-free loans to chaveirim in times of need. For more information, please email rabbinicalumni@yu.edu.