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RIETS Press Pillars Society

For over 100 years Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS) has been an outstanding makom Torah providing the American and global Orthodox community with generations of rabbinic and lay leadership. The alumni of RIETS have always contributed to the Torah world through the myriad shiurim and voluminous writings that have emerged from our storied yeshiva. RIETS Press has had the distinct mission of publishing the writings of RIETS Roshei Yeshiva and maggidei shiur, spreading the Torah of our yeshiva and its leading luminaries. 

The publication of sefarim incurs a significant financial cost which until now has been covered through the tremendous fundraising efforts of the RIETS Press leadership. However, for RIETS Press to publish and distribute more Torah, it is necessary to increase the budget and bring in additional funds and as such we are excited to announce the formation of the RIETS Press Pillars Society (RPPS). The RPPS aims to provide friends and supporters of RIETS and RIETS Press with an avenue to partner more broadly with RIETS Press to provide support that allows for the expansion and growth of RIETS Press. 

RIETS Press Trustees

Ann Arbesfeld
Sara and Benjamin Arbesfeld
David Arbesfeld
Rina and Nahum Felman 
Denise and George Karasick
Linda and Mark Karasick
Tamar and Jeremy Lustman
Benji and Bernice Mandel 
Michelle and Eli Salig
Merryl and Jeremy Strauss

RIETS Press Supporters 

Myra and Simcha Aminsky
Dorothy and Julius Berman
Judy and Zev Berman
 Miriam and Elie Berman
Ilana and Moshe Buchbinder
Alana and Leeor Cohen
Adena and Ezra Dyckman
Brina and Elli Ganchrow 
Debbie and William Gewirtz 
Jill and Daniel Goldstein
Baila and Abraham Gulkowitz
Jennifer and Jacob Gulkowitz
Elisheva and Avishai Neuman
Eve and Mordy Rothberg

RIETS Press Friends

Adina and Raphi Bollag
Mikayla & Avi Bulka 
Tamar and Dov Deutsch
Perrie and Tommy Gelb
Lily and Jacob Gold
Daniella and Elisha Graff
Etty & Daniel Herschberg 
Judith and Ralph Herzka 
Lynn and Joel Mael
Aliza and Michael Mermelstein 
Rachel and Jeff Rotenberg 
Devora and Morris Smith 
Rina and Eitan Zerykier

Annual Support Levels

$18,000 annually – RIETS Press Trustee

  • Name listed among trustees in all future RIETS Press publications for the duration of your membership in the society.
  • Complimentary collection of full RIETS Press library and copies of all future RIETS Press publications for the duration of your membership in the society.
  • Receive an annual RIETS Press gift package. 
  • Access to exclusive events with RIETS Roshei Yeshiva and RIETS Press authors

$10,000 annually – RIETS Press Supporter

  • Name listed among pillars in all future RIETS Press publications for the duration of your membership in the society.
  • Complimentary collection of full RIETS Press library and copies of all future RIETS Press publications for the duration of your membership in the society.
  • Receive an annual RIETS Press gift package. 

$5,000 annually – RIETS Press Friend

  • Name listed among supporters in all future RIETS Press publications for duration of your membership in the society.
  • Complimentary collection of full RIETS Press library and copies of all future RIETS Press publications for the duration of your membership in the society.
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