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At the tender age of four, the Commentator published its first Purim issue on March 1, 1939. The initial Purim edition was also the Commentator’s first foray into the use of color. The red ink may have referred to the Commentator’s nickname, the “Commie,” and was presumably chosen to match the ...
On the Way to the Top - Parshat Terumah Avraham (Allan) Friedman February 28th, 2017 On the Way to the Top - Parshat Terumah " This is the message that we receive from motivational speakers around the world. You can accomplish what you set your mind to. Just set your sights and get moving. And it…
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Dr. Ari Mermelstein '99YC is Assistant Professor of Bible at Yeshiva College. He received his BA in Psychology from Yeshiva College and both his J.D. and Ph.D. in Jewish Studies from NYU. He also holds an MA in Bible from Revel. At Yeshiva College, Dr. Mermelstein teaches various biblical books as…
A century ago marked “the first anniversary of the beginning of a new epoch in Jewish education in America.” Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel had assumed the presidency of the Rabbinical College (Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary – RIETS) a year earlier, and re-organized it, breathing new life into…
For information about this event and Dr. Ofer's bio click here. R’ Moshe ben Nahman (1194-1270), also known as the Ramban or Nahmanides, was born in Girona, Catalonia in present day Spain. This city is where he spent most of his life, including where he wrote his commentary on the entire Humash ...
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Prophecy in an Age of Uncertainty, by Rabbi Hayyim J. Angel. Maggid Books, 2016. Rabbi Angel’s new book explores the role of prophecy and the transition from prophecy to rabbinic authority during the early years of the Second Temple period. He addresses important ...
I recently started a nonprofit organization. Not infrequently, I wonder to myself what I could possibly have been thinking that made this seem like a good idea. I currently have three kids, two jobs, and a new house; extra time is not something I have laying around the house these days. On top of…
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a lecture - Nahmanides' Revisions in His Torah Commentary Regarding Hebron, RAchel's Tomb and the Shekel Coin by Dr. Yosef Ofer Nahmanides (1196–1270) wrote his Torah commentary while still in Spain, but updated it when he came to…

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