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Exploring Esther Literary, Political and Sociological Reflections on the Megillah Presented by the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Stuides of Yeshiva University in partnership with Lincoln Square Synagogue. Featuring: Dr. Aaron Koller , Associate Professor of Near Eastern and Jewish Studies…
Ezra Kapetansky, '16S, is the Nefesh B’Nefesh Young Professionals Advisor based in Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future, guiding students and young alumni with their short-term or long-term Aliyah planning. Originally from Skokie, Illinois, Ezra attended Ida Crown Jewish Academy high…
The recent Presidential inauguration has sparked curiosity regarding the relationships of our nation’s Chief Executives with Yeshiva University during the course of our institution’s history. Below is a selection of interesting findings from the collections of Yeshiva University Archives: The ...
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed 50,000 people in thirty-two states at demonstrations for Soviet Jewry all across the United States via a national telephone hook-up. The date was December 11, 1966 – United Nations Human Rights Day, which coincided with Chanukah that year. King was invited…
by Mark Fishman This January I’ll be moving across the country from Los Angeles to New York, where I will begin my pursuit of earning a Masters of Social Work degree at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. With this change comes many questions, but there is one in particular I can’t seem to shake…
Dr. Jesse Itzkowitz is assistant professor of marketing at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. He grew up in Ft. Lauderdale and attended the University of Florida, earning his Ph.Ds in Psychology and Marketing. Professor Itzkowitz has been featured in Time for his research on ...
All-night study during final exams! Wilf Campus library hours will be extended to 6:00 AM during the final examination period. See schedules: Wilf | Beren. A fully re-designed libraries web site, based on extensive usability testing, was launched in tandem with the new Read Collection ...
I’d never felt like more of a fish out of water (or a Canadian out of her element) than the first day at work in the South Bronx. At the time I had been enrolled in the MSW program approximately three weeks and could not have felt more unprepared for what was about to come. Anxiety filled each of…
We have our own WSSW blog that we are tentatively calling, “Thoughts and Feelings from the Field.” I have three great posts ready to go! If you have some observations from your experience in the field and would like to share, I would love to read it and see if we can post it in our blog-sphere ...
Hanukah, the Festival of Lights and Latkes, was celebrated by students at Yeshiva and Stern with the traditional crispy potato delicacy flying hot off the frying pan in Mr. Parker’s kitchen. In the days when kosher restaurants and dining were limited and the YU cafeteria, known as “Parker’s,” was a…

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