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The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a lecture Should We Seek to Understand the Ways of God? Contrasting Perspectives in Jewish Thought By David Shatz Theodicy—the attempt to explain how God allows evil—is a central part of Jewish tradition. But so is antitheodicy, the…
By Isaac Choua Poetry during the High Middle Ages of Spain under Islamic rule “was in the very heart of that culture”, according To Professor Peter Cole. Being a star in those days meant being a poet. Poetry dealt with more than just the beauty of the physical world, instead dealing with the divine…
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a reading and conversation with Peter Cole: Angels in Al-Andalus, and Beyond MacArthur Fellow Peter Cole will talk about the role of poetry in the history of Hebrew and Judaism. He’ll read from his award-winning poems and ...
Agnon’s Stories of the Land of Israel Celebrating the 50 th Anniversary of S. Y. Agnon’s Nobel Prize Organized by the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies and its Joseph and Faye Glatt Program on Israel and the Rule of Law Co-sponsored by: Agnon House, Jerusalem; The Bernard Revel Graduate…
Please join us to celebrate the release of Jeffrey S. Gurock's The Jews of Harlem: The Rise, Decline, and Revival of a Jewish Community. During World War I, Harlem was the home of the second largest Jewish community in America. But in the 1920s, Jewish residents began to scatter to other parts of…
Sponsored parking is available in the YU lot (E) on Amsterdam Avenue and 183rd Street. The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a lecture: A Prayer From the Depths and the Depths of a Prayer: Jonah’s Quest for Eden and the 70 Faces of the Bible By Dr. Yitzhak Berger Newly…
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a discussion: Elul: The Season of Repentance 7:00 PM: A Time of Soul Searching: The Yiddishist Intelligentsia and the Crisis of 1939 DR. JOSHUA KARLIP Associate Professor of Jewish History at Revel In their youth, East European ...
How much do you know about the early years of Yeshiva University and Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel? Read this article from the Jewish Link to find out more!
Revel Associate Dean Mordechai Cohen gave a mini-course at the University of Shandong in the Chinese city of Jinan in early June. As described in the program below, his 3-lecture series on the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible focused on the books of Job, the Song of Songs, and the Pentateuch, as…
This past Thursday evening, May 26th 2016, the BRGS community gathered together to celebrate the class of 2016 and welcome incoming students. It was a well attended event, bringing in just over 100 people. The graduates and their families enjoyed a light reception followed by this program:…
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