The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a reading and conversation with Peter Cole:
Angels in Al-Andalus, and Beyond

MacArthur Fellow Peter Cole will talk about the role of poetry in the history of Hebrew and Judaism. He’ll read from his award-winning poems and translations, as he takes us through a range of poetries and the social matrices from which they emerged—Heikhalot hymns, Hebrew poems of the Golden Age in Spain (secular and sacred), Kabbalistic verse, and the modern offshoots of these and other high points in the history of Hebrew literature.
Peter Cole is the author of four books of poems, and has translated widely from Hebrew and Arabic—medieval and modern. His books include The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, c. 950–1492 (Princeton) and The Poetry of Kabbalah: Mystical Verse from the Jewish Tradition (Yale). This spring, Farrar, Straus and Giroux will publish his Hymns & Qualms: New and Selected Poems and Translations. The recipient of many honors, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature, a National Jewish Book Award and the American Publishers Association’s prize for the book of the year, he was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2007. He divides his time between Jerusalem and New Haven, where he teaches each spring at Yale.
Sponsored parking is available in the YU lot (E) on Amsterdam Avenue and 183rd Street
Location: Revel Lounge, Furst Hall, 3rd floor.
Date and Time: Thursday, Nov. 3rd 7-8 PM