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The Census Bureau released its first set of 2010 Census data on December 21, 2010. Data includes resident population for the country and states, as well as congressional apportionment totals for each state. Check out the interactive map widget for a historical perspective on apportionments and our…
 ha-Kiyum veha-Zikaron bi-Yetsirot Aharon Apelfeld, Yosef Hayim Brener, uvi-Khetavim Aherim (Existence and Memory in the Writings of Aharon Appelfeld, Yosef Hayyim Brenner, and Other Writings) by Samuel Schneider. Jerusalem : Carmel, 2010. ha-Kiyum veha-Zikaron is the recently published volume by…
Crown of Aleppo : The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex, by Hayim Tawil & Bernard Schneider. Jewish Publication Society, 2010. Dr. Hayim Tawil, Professor at Yeshiva College, collaborated with Bernard Schneider, an attorney with an interest in the Hebrew Bible, to tell the story of the…
Some people say the Federal Reserve has too much power and is not accountable to the Congress. Others say it is best to have an independent body that can make unpopular decisions. Do you think the Federal Reserve should be more accountable to Congress or left as an independent body, or should it be…
Jewish Studies Source, a new collection from EBSCO that was just added to the Library’s holdings, offers access to a selection of academic journals, magazines and newsletters of interest. Some examples are Jewish Telegraphic Agency as far back as 1922, the YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Science ...
Large Hebrew letters boldly crowned Yeshiva’s advertisement in the New York Times on November 8, 1928, an early instance of Hebrew characters gracing that venerable publication: "זה היום עשה ד’ נגילה ונשמחה בו" - ‘”This is the day that the Lord hath made: let us be glad and rejoice thereon.’—Psalms…
Mental Health Care in the College Community, edited by Jerald Kay and Victor Schwartz. Published by John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Available at the Libary as an e-book. In Mental Health Care in the College Community, Kay and Schwartz present sobering findings of the 2008 ACHA National College Health…
Mitokh Ha-Ohel: Essays on the Weekly Parashah from the Rabbis and Professors of Yeshiva University. The Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press; Maggid Books, 2010. Mitokh Ha-Ohel is not just another book of divre Torah on the weekly parashah. It is a unique offering of Yeshiva…
Philip Larkin and His Audiences, by Gillian Steinberg. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010. In Prof. Steinberg’s new monograph on poet Philip Larkin, she examines how Larkin’s approaches to such topics as memory, religion, and jazz were informed by his awareness of his reading audience. Steinberg argues that…
Linda M. Shires Perspectives: Modes of Viewing and Knowing in Nineteenth-Century England. Ohio State University Press, 2009. Could Victorian England be the very source of modernism? Linda M. Shires, professor of English at Stern College, provides a multi-generic approach to this fertile…

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