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Shira Smiles – Torah Tapestries: Words of Wisdom Woven from the Weekly Parashah -Bereishis. Feldheim, 2010. Morey Schwartz - Where’s My Miracle: Exploring Jewish Traditions for Dealing with Tragedy. Gefen Publishing, 2010. Joel B. Wolowelsky - The Mind of the Mourner: Individual and Community in ...
The Library has been informed that access to Otzar HaHochma using the locally installed software version is no longer available to us. Access for Yeshiva University is through the Otzar HaHochma Online version only. We are proceeding to make the necessary changes to our web pages and to the Library…
If a candidate for Congress supported the health care reforms enacted this year (2010), would that make you more likely to vote for him or her, would it make you less likely, or would a candidate's support of the health care reforms not make much difference in your vote? Do you agree or disagree ...
Would you be more likely to vote for a candidate for Congress who the Tea Party movement supports, or more likely to vote for a candidate who the Tea Party movement opposes? Do you approve or disapprove of President Obama's decision to begin withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan in July 2011? How…
Yeshiva University students and faculty now have immediate access to the full text of dissertations through PQDT — Full Text, the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full…
A recent addition to the Holocaust-related materials in the Yeshiva University Archives is a collection of student recordings by participants in the educational oral history documentation project Names, Not Numbers. Created in 2004 by Tova Fish-Rosenberg, a former college lecturer and Jewish Day…
The COTAR database is a significant development in the ongoing trend to make more materials available and easily accessible throughout the world via cyberspace. The last decade has seen more and more journals provide online access to their articles and indeed, many journals now only exist online ...
Education Full Text covers a wide range of topics including: • Adult Education • Comparative Education • Competency-Based Education • Educational Technology • Parent-Teacher Relations • Prayer in Public Schools • Religious Education • School Administration • Special Student Counseling • Teacher ...
To accommodate the new books that are acquired every year, Library collections at the Wilf and Beren Campuses were shifted this summer, and some were relocated. This was a massive undertaking in which more than half a million volumes were moved, following a plan that should provide space on the ...
Did you ever wonder what it was like at YU for your parents or grandparents? Now you can get a glimpse through their yearbooks. The Library is working to make the yearbooks available online on our page at This ongoing project, partially supported by…

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