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Do you think you understand the basic Fiscal Cliff concept but need more information to discuss it intelligently? Search blogs, twitter, and other social media on the Fiscal Cliff in Factiva. In November alone there were over 13,000 web news entries, 15,000 blogs, and 1,600 board posts on the ...
The past comes to life in sound and sight at the Library’s new digital website. Experience musar (moral instruction) as it was delivered by a traditional Eastern European maggid (preacher) by tuning in to the Bialystoker Maggid’s impassioned wedding speech. Even if you don’t understand Yiddish you…
Jews in Gotham: New York Jews in a Changing City, 1920-2010, by Jeffrey S. Gurock (Vol. 3 of: City of Promises : a History of the Jews of New York). NYU Press, 2012. In the last 30 years we have been witness to a plethora of Jewish community histories in the US. Many fine studies have been…
The ubiquitous canvas Sukkot which appear in Jewish neighborhoods the world over were probably first introduced and produced by the Orthodox Union in 1925, in an effort to encourage families to erect their own personal Sukkot and not rely merely on making Kiddush in the synagogue Sukkah. This ...
Sefer ‘Am Mordekhai ‘al Masekhet Berakhot, by Mordechai Willig. Ḳeren Mikha’el Sharf le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻal yad Yeshivat Rabenu Yitsḥaḳ Elḥanan, 2012. Sefer 'Am Mordechai 'al Masekhet Berakhot, originally published in 1992, has now been reissued with much additional material. The author ...
Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics website is a Hebrew and English language database that, according to its own description, provides statistical information about "the State and its population in the fields of health, wellbeing, education, economy etc., as well as on the subjects of physical ...
Need to find a book or article and you don’t know how to start looking? Has your professor assigned readings from books that are on reserve at the library, or from articles on E-Res (electronic reserves)? Do you need to access online library resources from your dorm room? Looking for a quiet place…
The concept of Daf Yomi, the daily study by Jews all over the world of the same daf or blatt [2 pages] of Talmud, was instituted at the suggestion of R’ Meir Shapira, founder of Yeshivas Chachme Lublin, at the Agudath Israel Kenesiyah Gedolah (Great Congress) in Vienna in 1923. Yeshiva University…
Shi’ure Yesamah Av, by Eliahu Baruch Shulman. Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press, 2012. Shi’ure Yesamah Av on the Talmudic chapters ha-Shutafin and Hezkat ha-Batim is a collection of insights and essays by Yeshiva University’s Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliahu Baruch Shulman…
Yeshiva University honored Professor Ronald Rubin YUHSB ‘57 on June 26th at YU Libraries, in a special reception organized in recognition and appreciation of his many gifts to YU in recent years, including his gifts to the Mendel Gottesman Library’s rare collections. At the reception, Prof. Rubin…

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