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Shi’ure Yesamah Av : Shi’urim al Masekhet Bava Batra : Perek ha-Shutafin ve-Hezkat ha-Batim

Shi’ure Yesamah Av, by Eliahu Baruch Shulman. Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press, 2012. Shi’ure Yesamah Av on the Talmudic chapters ha-Shutafin and Hezkat ha-Batim is a collection of insights and essays by Yeshiva University’s Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliahu Baruch Shulman. These chapters, which are part of the tractate Bava Batra, contain many complex legal topics, such as privacy rights and property ownership. The book, which reflects Rabbi Shulman's penetrating and rigorous analytical style, is based on shiurim that he delivered in the Yeshiva on masekhet Bava Batra during the 2010-2011 academic year. Posted by Moshe Schapiro.