YUNMUN XXXV Letter from the Director
Dear Delegate,
Welcome to the 35th Yeshiva University Model United Nations, YUNMUN XXXV!
When I was in high school and later as a student at YU, I always looked forward to February—Model UN month! Participating in YUNMUN was one of the highlights of my academic journey. The excitement, energy, and enthusiasm that fill the air during this incredible event must be experienced firsthand to be truly understood. We are committed to ensuring that your YUNMUN experience is just as remarkable and unforgettable.
Take full advantage of this unique and exhilarating adventure! Embrace the camaraderie of your peers, the thrill of competition, and the satisfaction of pushing yourself beyond what you thought possible to achieve your goals. Over the years, YUNMUN has grown in size and scope, yet it has never lost the personal touch and connection that make YU events so special. Rooted in core Torah values, YUNMUN reflects our shared purpose of striving to make the world a better place.
YUNMUN is not just an event; it’s a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding of global issues, and, of course, have an incredible time.
Our excitement for this year’s conference is boundless, and we know that YUNMUN XXXV will be the most outstanding yet. We can’t wait to share this transformative experience with you at the 35th Yeshiva University Model United Nations!
Let’s work together to make YUNMUN 35 the best one yet.
Looking forward to greeting you!
B’hatzlacha rabba,
Moshe “Ziggy” Zharnest
Director of Undergraduate Admissions and High School Recruitment