The Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert Entrepreneurial Institute
The Rennert Entrepreneurial Institute (REI) is one of the core programs offered to students at Sy Syms School of Business. Since its inception, the entrepreneurship institute has been a cornerstone dedicated to undergraduate education and development programs.
The primary purpose for the Rennert Entrepreneurship Institute is to 1) be a gateway to the "real world" of entrepreneurial business for countless undergraduate students at the Sy Syms School of Business; and 2) supplement traditional classroom teaching, by providing a variety of practical experiences, including seminars, workshops, coaching, mentoring programs, internships, consulting engagements within and outside of the classroom setting.
Ira Rennert Entrepreneurship Institute—Goals
- To enable students to develop the entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and experience that will prepare them for lifelong success;
- To provide our students with state-of-the-art learning, knowledge and experiences needed to develop and grow their own businesses;
- To facilitate and encourage student interaction with experienced faculty, successful entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs in Residence;
- To provide our students with practical experiences and opportunities to learn from highly successful entrepreneurs;
- To sponsor and facilitate the development, incubation and growth of student– and family–run businesses;
- To offer best-practice-based continuing entrepreneurship education and professional development programs and seminars;
- To assist and support the growth of businesses in the local Jewish community, emphasizing small businesses and start-up opportunities, consultation, training and community services/outreach;
- To provide our students with access to entrepreneurship organizations, contacts, services and networks within and beyond the Jewish/Orthodox community;
- To provide faculty support and funding for scholarship, research and community service;
- To provide our students with opportunities to work with other students to build and develop successful businesses.
REI-Sponsored Curriculum and Courses
REI has helped to produce a strong cadre of high potential business leaders who will prove to be an asset to the Jewish Community. Currently, the Syms School of Business offers a management course concentration in entrepreneurship and a total of twelve 3-credit entrepreneurship courses:
- Principles of Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Managing a Growth Business
- New Venture Management
- Business and Marketing Strategy—Capstone Course
- Turnaround Business Strategy
- Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
- Franchising, Licensing and Distributorships
- Family Business Management
- The Ira Kukin Contemporary Business Issues Seminar (CEO Lecture Series)
- MBA Fundament of Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (seminar)
Rennert Entrepreneurship Institute—Continuing Education Certificate Programs
REI works closely with the Sy Syms Center for Executive and Professional Education (CEPE) to develop and offer post-graduate Executive and Professional Entrepreneurship Education seminars. The CEPE was established to provide best-in-class post-graduate education and professional development that meets the changing needs of the community and to establish Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business as a “quality brand” in graduate professional and executive management education:
- Seminar #1: Entrepreneurship Skills and Strategies
- Seminar #2: Growing and Harvesting Entrepreneurial Ventures
- Seminar #3: Understanding and Managing the Family Business Life Cycle
- Seminar #4: Success Strategies for Family Businesses
- Seminar #5: Social Entrepreneurship for Enterprising Not-For-Profit Organizations
The Sy Syms School of Business School Programs offers the following Entrepreneurship Institute programs and proprietary tools:
- The Annual Dr. William Schwartz Student Business Plan Competition
- YU Fast-Pitch Competition (Fast-Pitch Invitation Fast-Pitch Application)
- The Entrepreneur-in-Residence Program
- The Doris and Dr. Ira Kukin CEO Lecture Series
- SSB Entrepreneurship Society
- Syms Leaders in Management Club
- The Avraham Naymark Scholarship Program
- Israel Economic Mission (IEMNA) Internship Program
- USIBC and Israel & Co. Partnerships
- Guest CEO Lectures and Events at both the Wilf and Beren Campuses
- Start-Up and Business Incubation Program (in process)
- MBA Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Sales Simulations
- Entrepreneurship Strategy--Start-Up Video Case
- New Venture Start-Up Tool Kit and Business Plan Evaluation
- Franchise Evaluation
- Family and Small Business Auditing Process
- Managing New Business Growth and Transition Process
Contact Us
For more information about REI, please contact:
Dean Michael Strauss,
mstraus1@yu.edu or at 212.960.0844