Stern Faculty Resources
Helpful Links
- Academic Calendar (Stern College Links)
- Academic Advisement
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Beren Writing Center
- Faculty Web Profile Instructions (PDF)
- Grade Submission Policy (PDF)
- Instructional Technology Resources
- ITS Newsletter: 8/24 YU systems (Email, Canvas, Banner) (PDF)
- Learning Success Center
- Library and e-Reserve
- New Course Form
- Registrar Information for Faculty and Staff
- Syllabus Checklist (PDF)
- Time Slots (PDF)
- Undergraduate Schedule of Classes
- TEAMS quick guides: Phones (PDF) Meetings (PDF)
Canvas is Yeshiva’s online classroom environment that supports a deep focus on teaching and learning. The robust features of Canvas help to enhance teaching and learning beyond the physical classroom. Courses are automatically loaded into Canvas 30 days before the semester begins. To access:
- From InsideTrack, click on the Employee on the left, and search on Canvas.
- Go to yu.instructure.com. Use your YU email address and password to log in to Canvas. If you don't have that information, go here to find your ID
For additional help:
- Instructional Technology Resources
- Canvas @ YU Resource Site: https://yu.instructure.com/courses/4135 - find the weekly schedule of Canvas/Zoom office hours (via Teams) plus self-paced tutorials
- Need login assistance? Contact the helpdesk@yu.edu
- Search for help on specific topics with a Guide from Canvas
- Chat live with Canvas Support 24/7/365; Call Canvas 24/7/365 at 833-770-2854
- Canvas and Zoom Quickguide
- Academic Advisement
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Registrar Information for Faculty and Staff
- New Course Form
- Covid Resource Page
- Visitor Policy
- Faculty Handbook for Manhattan Campuses (PDF)
- ITS Handbook for Employees (PDF)
- Office of the Provost - Academic Policies
- Travel Forms: Faculty planning to travel should fill out the following forms:
- Application for Travel Funds (PDF)
Complete this form and submit it to the Office of the Dean of your school for an approval signature. Provide specifics of intended travel and breakdown of anticipated cost. - Travel & Business Expense Reimbursement Form - 2025 (PDF)
To request reimbursement for travel, please complete this form and submit it to the Office of the Dean with your signed Application for Travel Funds. Please also provide all supporting documentation and receipts as detailed at the top of request form.
- Application for Travel Funds (PDF)
- List of YU Offices and Services
- HelpDesk - Phone: 646-592-4357 - ITS Website
- Academic Advisement
- Academic Calendar (Office of the Registrar)
- Academic Calendar (Stern College Links)
- Faculty Directory
- Human Resources/Payroll
- InsideTrack
- Libraries
- Office of the Provost
- Office of the Registrar (Registrar Information for Faculty and Staff)
- Security
- Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository- Stern College for Women (SCW)