Degree Track Quick Guide for Students
What is DegreeTrack?
DegreeTrack (sometimes referred to as DegreeWorks) is a web-based tool designed for students and academic advisors to assist in monitoring a student’s academic progress toward degree completion. DegreeTrack also allows students and their advisors to plan for future academic coursework in a Degree Audit.
The degree audit is a review of a student’s past, current and planned coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree/major/concentration/minor and other curricular requirements. The audit is divided into blocks such as Degree, Major, and Electives. Each block works like a checklist with boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met.
The following Graduate programs are not found in DegreeTrack: new programs January 2024 forward (MS Com Sci), Graduate Math, PhD Azrieli, JSD, MS in Bioethics, LLM, Pathways students, WS ACs, Straus - Jewish Political Social Thought, RIETS - AC and MHL, Ferkauf - MA General Psyc, MS School Psyc, Special Ed, YU Global - MS in Software Dev. We hope to launch these programs during Fall 2025.
Accessing DegreeTrack through Self-Service Banner
From InsideTrack, navigate to your Student Dashboard and click on View My Student Profile.
From the Student Profile, click on the DegreeTrack link under the Additional Links section.
Understanding the Components of your Audit
Degree Audit Header
This section displays various pieces of information regarding your academic record.
Academic/What-If Section (What-If instructions are found at the bottom of this guide)
Allows you to customize what you see in your Degree Audit
Under Academic (*What-If instructions are found at the bottom of this guide)
Select Student View or Registration Checklist
Select In-progress classes to show currently registered courses or ungraded courses
Select Preregistered classes to show courses you are registered for in a future term
Click PROCESS each time you change the selections
Blocks are sections of requirements that make up your degree. Credits required, credits applied, and catalog term are found in block headers. General degree requirements, major, minor, concentration, etc. are found as you move down into the degree audit, appearing as separate blocks or as one large block.
Catalog Year:
The semester and term you were admitted unless you moved to a new program.
Credits Required, Credits applied:
Each individual block has credits required, credits applied and credits needed at the top. (Credits are only counted once toward the minimum credits required for graduation.)
Requirements for each block are listed on the left side of the Degree Audit with an indicator noting completion or non-completion:
This legend is found at the bottom of the Degree Audit.
Courses are displayed to the right of requirement with the grade or In Progress (IP) noted, credits for the course and semester taken
Individual courses may meet requirements in more than one block; however, as above, credits are only counted once toward the minimum credits required for graduation.
Courses completed or in progress will appear in one or more of the degree audit blocks.
Courses not being used to fulfill a specific requirement will fall into the Other Coursework block the Over the Limit section.
Unfulfilled requirements
If a requirement has not been met, the Degree Audit will display which courses are still needed to complete that requirement.
Transfer Credit
If you have transfer credits from another school, you will see the individual transfer credits appear throughout the body of the audit in line with the requirements the credits fulfill.
Other Coursework
Courses that do not meet specific degree requirements will appear in the Other Coursework section. These courses act as electives and are included in the number of credits applied to the degree.
In-progress and Preregistered
In-progress classes are courses you are taking during the current semester or for which you have not yet received a grade
Preregistered classes are courses you are registered for in a future term
These courses appear throughout the degree audit if they fulfill degree requirements and in the Other Coursework block.
*Important Note: Although the In-progress and Preregistered block includes the number of credits applied for that block, those credits do not count toward overall number of credits needed for the degree.
Over the Limit
Courses that do not fulfill the requirements of the degree will appear in the Over the Limit block. This includes failures, repeated coursework and course withdrawals or courses that do not meet the specific degree requirements laid out in the degree/major blocks.
In some cases, an advisor may make an adjustment to your audit allowing a previously unmet requirement to be fulfilled. They appear throughout the body of the degree audit and in the Exceptions section.
Apply here: The apply here exception means that an advisor has indicated that a course should count towards a requirement that it was not previously fulfilling.
Force complete: This exception means that an advisor has marked a previously unmet requirement as “complete.” (JD students will see this in the “Exceptions” section if they have taken more than 2 credits of fieldwork.)
Substitute: The substitute exception means that an advisor has approved a substitution of one course for another.
Additional Functionality Available in DegreeTrack
The What-If feature allows you select different scenarios:
1) view a degree audit including courses you plan to take in the future
2) view an audit for a different major or concentration using your current courses.
Scenario 1 - What-If I register for these courses next semester?
Current Curriculum with Planned Courses to show how future registration will count toward your current program:
Check the three boxes under What-If Analysis
Enter the subject and course number for the course you’d like to see on your degree audit.
Click ADD if you want to view multiple courses.
Scenario 2 – What if I change my major or program?
Current coursework under a Different Major/Concentration will display your degree audit if you change major
Uncheck the Use Current Curriculum box
Enter the Areas of Study, including the College.
Use the major, minor, or concentration fields to select a different curriculum