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Rabbi Soloveichik giving a tour of the MET Museum
The Straus Center hosted summer seminars for high schoolers on Torah and Western Thought, featuring lectures, discussions, and cultural explorations in New York City.
Pictured: the Jerusalem Synagogue in Prague
At the Association for Israel Studies conference in Prague, Dr. Neil Rogachevsky presented on the Herut Party debates following the founding of the state of Israel. ​​
The method, called ViTVS, uses an image processing technology to divide audio signals into distinct parts, or segments, for isolating clean bird sounds from a noisy background.
Objects from interstellar space, such as rogue planets and asteroids, can become permanently trapped in the Sun’s orbit as a result of the combined gravitational effects of the Sun and the entire Milky Way galaxy, according to a study.
Cristino Chavez Wurzweiler PhD Candidate
Cristino Chavez Wurzweiler PhD student was interviewed for an article on Bold Journey. Cristino discusses what it means to be resilient in the face of trauma and adversity. The in-depth article covers his childhood, academic and career journey. Read the full interview here »
$1 Million Donation Will Help Accommodate Transferring Jewish Students New York – June 25, 2024 – Yeshiva University, the nation’s flagship Jewish University, today announced the establishment of the Blue Square Scholars program by leading philanthropist Robert Kraft. This new program is timely as…
Yeshiva College students, Aaron Shaykevich, Alexander Siegman, and Isaac Silverman from Dr. Radhashree Maitra’s laboratory on the Wilf Campus, attended the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in San Diego from April 5-10, 2024. AACR stands as the premier and most…
Yair Berko, LMSW, Clinical director of the Jerusalem Therapy Center
Yair Berko, LMSW, is the new clinical director of the Jerusalem Therapy Center. Yair has tremendous experience in both clinical practice and the administrative leadership of mental health organizations. Prior to his work at JTC, Yair successfully served as clinical director of therapy centers for…
Dr. Michelle Levine, Associate Professor of Bible at YU’s Stern College for Women
Dr. Michelle Levine, Associate Professor of Bible at YU’s Stern College for Women, is a leading scholar on the biblical commentary of Nachmanides, the foremost thirteenth century Spanish exegete. Levine’s scholarship focuses on Nachmanides’ interpretation of biblical narrative and song. She has ...
Yeshiva University is pleased to announce the appointment of these distinguished individuals to the Board of Overseers for two of its undergraduate schools. The new appointees for Stern College for Women are Doba Isaacs (Chair), Dr. Annie Baron, Dr. Robyn Horowitz Grossman and Saritte Silvera. The…
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