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In the January, 2016 issue of "Journal of Teaching in Social Work", the Second Edition of "Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: A Guide for Social Work Field Education" (2nd ed.)., by Wurzweiler School of Social Work's Dean Carmen Ortiz Hendricks, along with co-authors Jeanne Bertrand Finch and ...
A recent article in Jewish Link mentions some recent technology on diagnosing individuals with mental illness using a program called the Diagnostic and Symptom Calculator [DSC]. The program was developed by Wurzweiler School of Social Work MSW graduate and PhD student Stephanie Shapiro. For more on…
Dr. Jill Becker-Feigeles (L), Michelle Florence (Ctr.), Dr. Jade Docherty (R) Wurzweiler School of Social Work student Michelle Florence received the "2015 Diana List Cullen Memorial Award - First Year MSW Student Writing Scholarship" from the Metropolitan Chapter of the New York State Society of…
Dear Wurzweiler Alumni, As the semester reaches the halfway point, I know you remember how tired you felt at this time in your studies. We work so hard, the papers get written, and we wonder if we will ever remember anything we have learned. I hope that by this time in your career, you do recall ...
by Reena Gelberger-Carmen, LCSW (MSW ’07) When I first arrived at Wurzweiler in the summer of 2005, I knew only two things for certain: that I wanted a career where I could help people and that I wanted to be able to complete my field placements in my hometown of Toronto. I figured that a degree in…
In New Book, Wurzweiler Professor Jonathan Fast Explores Hidden Roots of Bullying As the American public grapples with a growing awareness of the problem of bullying, both within schools and outside of them, and heated debate about where to lay the blame for school shootings becomes a regular ...
Richard Caputo, PhD, a Professor of Social Policy and Research at Wurzweiler School of Social Work, was recently informed that Dr. Leslie E Tower has recognized and honored him as her mentor through the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work…
Recently, Professor Ann Abbott was recognized by Westchester University for her accomplishments as part of "A Legacy of Social Justice". Professor Abbott also teaches at Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Below is quoted the full content from the section of the article which mentions her. Propelling…
Dear Wurzweiler Alumni, Welcome to our new Alumni Newsletter! We have much to celebrate in this first issue and in the following ones to come. As we move into our 60 th year of existence, we have conferred thousands of master’s degrees and hundreds of doctoral degrees. We are proud of the immense…
by Daniel Pollack In New Jersey, you can be a foster parent before you're able to buy a cigarette. The minimum age to buy cigarettes -- 19; the minimum age to be a foster parent -- 18. In Alabama, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, and New Jersey, you can be a foster parent before being ...

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