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This year, just in time for Passover, Welch’s ®Grape Juice Brand and Manischewitz® are collaborating on the production of kosher grape juice for Pesach, under the kashrut supervision of the Orthodox Union. This venture is not the first time Welch’s has produced kosher grape juice; it revives an ...
On Monday, April 11, Revel students, professors, and guests were illuminated by Dr. Baruch Alster’s lecture, “What is ‘Peshat’ in the Song of Songs? A Look at an Unpublished Commentary from Rashbam’s School.” Dr. Alster is Senior Lecturer and Bible department coordinator at Givat Washington College…
Dr. Stuart W. Halpern, ‘10BR, ‘13A, is the Assistant Director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought of Yeshiva University, Assistant Director of Student Programming and Community Outreach at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and Deputy Editor of YU…
The Arch of Titus in Rome Images a Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture has a special status for Bernard Revel Graduate School and for Yeshiva University as a whole. Co-founded by our own Professor Steven Fine, scholars from Yeshiva and across the academic world explore the vast world of Jewish…
Professor Claude B. Stuczynski On Monday, March 28, Revel students, faculty, and guests heard a lecture from Dr. Claude Dov Stuczynski entitled “Conversos and Sephardic ‘New Jews’ as Thinkers of Empire.” Dr. Stuczynski began with the common view of historian Jonathan Israel depicting New Jews as ...
The Library recently digitized the early minutes of the Board of Directors of the Yeshiva, which date from the late 1880s through 1922. The minutes, handwritten in Hebrew, with some English and Yiddish mixed in, are available in their entirety on the library’s website (manuscript 765). Many aspects…
“… So that each man may speak the language of his people” is a translation of an excerpt of a verse from Megilat Esther [Chapter 1:22]. Minhagim books, concise compendia of Jewish laws and customs, emerged as a literary genre in the 1600s. Designed for a popular audience, many of them were written…
YC pennant Main Building 1956 Yeshiva University Archives recently acquired three new perspectives on Zysman Hall, which shed light on different periods in the building’s life since its cornerstone laying in 1927. Main Building, 1928 A black and white photograph of the edifice, taken for a news ...
Professor Shoshana Schechter, ‘91S, ‘93BR Professor Shoshana Schechter is the Director of the Mechina Pathways Basic Jewish Studies Program and a Bible Professor at Stern College for Women. A Stern and Revel alumna, Professor Schechter originally planned to go to Columbia University but decided to…
With the arrival and operation of a mobile digitization lab to scan archival materials on site, it was hardly business as usual in the Special Collections Office for two weeks this past January. This project was part of the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) Culture in Transit initiative…

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