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Rabbi Kahn is a graduate of YU’s Yeshiva College, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, and Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, where he is pursuing a doctorate in education. He served as the Associate Principal for Judaic Studies and Dean of Student Life at Torah…
Washburn-Crosby's Gold Medal Cook-Book (in Yiddish) : From the Yeshiva University Archives Washburn-Crosby's Gold Medal Cook-Book (in Yiddish) : From the collection of the Yiddish Book Center Yeshiva University Archives owns a rare cookbook – a Yiddish Gold Medal Flour cookbook published by the ...
How much do you know about the early years of Yeshiva University and Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel? Read this article from the Jewish Link to find out more!
Revel Associate Dean Mordechai Cohen gave a mini-course at the University of Shandong in the Chinese city of Jinan in early June. As described in the program below, his 3-lecture series on the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible focused on the books of Job, the Song of Songs, and the Pentateuch, as…
Did you know that in 1941, 75 years ago, the Yeshiva College (YC) commencement took place in June, in Lamport Auditorium, rather than in May at a large venue, as has now been the custom for many years? The 1941 commencement marked the 10th annual YC commencement. It was the first to take place…
This past Thursday evening, May 26th 2016, the BRGS community gathered together to celebrate the class of 2016 and welcome incoming students. It was a well attended event, bringing in just over 100 people. The graduates and their families enjoyed a light reception followed by this program:…
Minhagim books, concise compendia of Jewish laws and customs, emerged as a literary genre in the 1600s. Designed for a popular audience, many of them were written in Yiddish, the vernacular of much of Ashkenazic Jewry. Some editions included illustrations for specific holidays. One such volume ...
Dr. Moshe J. Bernstein is Professor of Bible and Jewish History and the David A. and Fannie M. Denenberg Chair in Biblical Studies. He received his BA in Classical Languages from Yeshiva College (’66), his MHL in Semitics from Revel (’69), Smicha from RIETS (’69), and MA and PhD degrees in…
Read about "The 50th Annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at West Point" Published by Revel board member Mr. Len Grunstein.
Pious Women in Midrashic and Aggadic Narratives Dr. Tamar Meir (right) presenting at BRGS A special visiting lecture, “The Image of the Wives of the Pious in Midrashic and Aggadic Narratives” was presented by Dr Tamar Meir on Tuesday evening May 17 to an audience that filled the Revel lounge. A ...

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