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Much has been written recently about the importance of this past January 1 to scholars and members of the creative professions. Referred to as the annual Public Domain Day, it was of particular significance this year because the extension from 75 to 95 years since publication of the copyright term…
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry poster, Yeshiva University Archives, SSSJ Records “Big Brother is Watching Them. Our Brothers are Waiting for Us,” was the message of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry in 1984. Today you are welcome to watch and listen to Soviet Jewry activists reminisce about…
Please encourage your students to take advantage of instructional services at the YU Libraries by including the following in your syllabi: Get all the support you need with research for your courses. The Yeshiva University Libraries ( offer individualized consultations that will help…
Yeshiva University notice in the New York Times, April 10, 1968 Yeshiva University published this announcement in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the New York Times on April 10, 1968, six days after his tragic assassination on April 4, 1968, and a day after his funeral on April 9. In ...
Yeshiva University Libraries. Minhagim, Amsterdam, 1723. Strauss 3382. This woodcut is from a Yiddish Minhagim book (book of customs) published in Amsterdam in 1723 by Herts Levi Rofe. It depicts trees surrounding a table with the plethora of fruits customarily served in honor of Tu B’Shvat (the ...
Dr. Josefa Steinhauer is an associate professor of biology at Yeshiva University. She received her BS from Case Western Reserve University in 1999, followed by a PhD from Columbia University in 2005. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Skirball Institute, NYU Langone Medical Center from 2005-2011…
Addressing Parents’ Concerns About Media Influence on Children On Dec. 20, 2018, Carolina Herrera presented “Media Influences on Adolescent Development” in Spanish to the parent community at IS528 Community School (located at 180 Wadsworth Avenue) as part of the Wurzweiler School of Social Work’s…
Opening page of Book of Exodus, Amsterdam, 1724. Mendel Gottesman Library, on loan from Richard and Debra Parkoff, in honor of Abraham and Ruth Parkoff. What images do you conjure up when you imagine Sefer Shemot [Exodus], which we start reading in the synagogue this week? In the 1720s, an…

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