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Aharon Dovid Shainberg and William Berman in Hebron Today, it is de rigueur for modern Orthodox student to spend a “gap” year or two studying in yeshivas in Israel after they finish high school, prior to starting their college studies. Ninety years ago, in 1929, two RIETS (Rabbi Isaac Elchanan ...
Model of the Beit Ha-Mikdash at Yeshivas Hakhme Lublin, 1931 Tishah B’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, marks the destruction of the Beit Ha-Mikdash, the Temple in Jerusalem. Over the millennia, Jews have mourned the loss of the Temple in a myriad of ways. One form of memory and memorial is ...
Judah Diament is a Clinical Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Yeshiva University. Professor Diament worked at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center from 2000-2014, primarily focusing on middleware and distributed systems, from which he has 13 patents as well as a number of ...
Wurzweiler’s 42nd Block Program Commencement Honors New Members of the Profession Weissberg Commons rang with wise words and celebratory laughter as the Wurzweiler School of Social Work welcomed 42 new graduates into their community. After the processional, led by Dr. Selma Botman, provost and vice…
Did you know that even before the moon landing in 1969, Yeshiva had a “moonrock” of its own? In May 1960, Dr. Irvin Rock, chairman of the experimental psychology department of the Graduate School of Education, simulated the moon on the roof of Stern College. His experiment explained why the moon ...
Dina Burcat is the Director of Alumni Affairs and Professional Development at Yeshiva University. She came to YU in 2011, after spending five years as the Development Associate and Alumni Coordinator at the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, MD. Dina oversees YU's alumni relations,…
Jackie, Moriah, Rebbetzin Smadar, Avigayil, and Rav Michael Rosensweig (from L - R) Many institutions pride themselves on being not just a school but a family, a colloquial reference to the camaraderie and mutual support of their students and staff. But the Bernard Revel Graduate School can profile…
Lamport Auditorium Filled with Graduates Along with Their Friends and Family On Thursday, May 16, 2019, the walls of the storied Lamport Auditorium on the Wilf campus of Yeshiva University rung with cheers, words of wisdom and applause as the Wurzweiler School of Social Work conferred degrees upon…
Interdisciplinary New Volume on the Biblical Book of Ruth Offers Informative and Inspiring Range of Reflections In Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth, Rabbi Dr. Stuart W. Halpern, senior advisor to the provost, in his 15th-edited work of Jewish scholarship, has assembled an international all-star…
Leah Adler, Head Librarian, Mendel Gottesman Library The Yeshiva University Library mourns the passing of our colleague Leah Adler, who served as Head Librarian of Hebraica and Judaica at the Mendel Gottesman Library for over thirty years. She was a scholar's librarian who ushered the library into…

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