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Mr. Leonard Grunstein Joseph, also known as, Yosef the Tzaddik, is a towering figure in the Bible. He is the quintessential immigrant, who overcame the most daunting of challenges to become a superstar in ancient Egyptian society. In this week’s Torah portion [i], we read about Joseph’s exploits,…
Dr. Richard Hidary Dr. Richard Hidary, associate professor of Jewish history, Yeshiva University, is a 2017 Harry Starr Fellow at the Center for Jewish Studies at Harvard University. The Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica supports scholars doing full-time research in Jewish studies. In 2017, the ...
Dr. Yossi Chajes Dr. Yossi Chajes of the University of Haifa directs the Israel Science Foundation – supported “Ilanot Project,” an attempt to study all kabbalistic cosmological diagrams. In this talk, he explained Ilanot and their magical uses. Borrowing the most prestigious schemata from ...
Women's Torah Education: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow President Berman introduced the evening’s discussion on Women’s Torah Education by echoing words from Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, “Moreover today there is not only greater need for women’s Talmud Torah, there is also greater opportunity.” The ...
Dr. Maoz Kahana Dr. Maoz Kahana of Tel Aviv University expounded upon the reactions of the Hatam Sofer (Rabbi Moshe Sofer, 1762- 1839) to the modern challenges against traditional Jewish faith. In 1670, Benedict Spinoza, drawing upon the philosophical and scientific thought of his day, published…
Mr. Leonard Grunstein George Benson, in 1978 [i], sang about how children are our future. They need someone, who they could look up to, like a parent, to teach them well and show them the beauty they possess inside. He encapsulates, in lyrical form, an ethic that is an integral part of Judaism. The…
Mr. Leonard Grunstein Leonard Grunstein, a retired attorney and banker, founded and served as Chairman of Metropolitan National Bank and then Israel Discount Bank of NY. He also founded Project Ezrah and serves on the Board of Revel at Yeshiva University and the AIPAC Bergen Council. He has ...
Dr. Pinchuk In his recent, well-attended lecture, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Pinchuk of Netanya Academic College showed how the Talmud Yerushalmi Online Database ( – for which he is responsible - can be used to meet one of the unique challenges of studying the Talmud ...
As Member of Orthodox Rabbinic Delegation, Berger Presents Document on Jewish-Christian Relations Last week, Dr. David Berger, professor of Jewish history and dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies of Yeshiva University, participated in a historic encounter with Pope Francis at…
Faculty and alumni from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies presented at the 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies held from August 6 to 10 at the Mount Scopus Campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Revel faculty who presented were Dr. Mordechai Z. Cohen, associate ...
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