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Jackie, Moriah, Rebbetzin Smadar, Avigayil, and Rav Michael Rosensweig (from L - R) Many institutions pride themselves on being not just a school but a family, a colloquial reference to the camaraderie and mutual support of their students and staff. But the Bernard Revel Graduate School can profile…
Yeshiva University Press and Maggid/Koren Publishers recently announced the publication of Creation: The Story of Beginnings by internationally-renowned biblical scholar Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Grossman, an associate professor in the department of Bible at Bar-Ilan University. In the book, Dr. Grossman…
Dr. Roger Ames of Peking University Unfolds the Complexities of Confucian Thought by Michael Bettencourt for YUNews Dr. Roger Ames (left) and Dr. Mordechai Cohen “ The Chinese-Jewish Conversation” took an interesting turn on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, at an event held at the Israel Henry Beren Campus…
Leonard Grunstein The Times of Israel The Blogs March 19, 2019 The Ancient and Sordid History of the Dual Loyalty Canard The latest crop of anti-Semitic politicians seeking to make a name for themselves by deceitfully accusing Jews of having dual loyalties are relative neophytes, when it comes to…
The Chinese-Jewish Conversation at Yeshiva University by Michael Bettencourt for YU News On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, East and West met at a special event titled “China and Israel: How did ancient states emerge? Archaeological perspectives,” which took place in the David Yagoda Commons on the ...
By Michael Bettencourt On February 12, 2019 · Leave a Comment Dr. Daniel Tsadik, associate professor of Sephardic and Iranian studies at Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, has recently published The Jews of Iran and Rabbinic Literature: New Perspectives by Mosad Ha-Rav Kook (Jerusalem…
Mr. Leonard Grunstein Leonard Grunstein The Times of Israel The Blogs February 4, 2019 The Art of Compromise ‘It’s a matter of principle’ or ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ are conversation stoppers that frustrate efforts to resolve a dispute between opposing parties. Worse yet is an ad hominem attack…
Mr. Leonard Grunstein The Times of Israel The Blogs Jan 24, 2019 Kvetching and the Divine Does G-d appreciate our complaining? If not then why is it such a quintessential part of the human condition? Oh, sure there are stoics among us; but most can’t repress the urge to complain about something, at…
Dr. Ora Wiskind-Elper Dr. Ora Wiskind-Elper, a scholar of Jewish thought, literary theory, and intellectual history, delivered a lecture at Yeshiva University relating to her newest book, Hasidic Commentary on the Torah. Wiskind- Elper began by explaining that her approach to the study of Hasidut…
The Blogs at The Times of Israel Leonard Grunstein December 21, 2018 Mr. Leonard Grunstein We are witness to an era of upheaval. Time-honored norms of appropriate behavior are being challenged. There are negative aspects to this disruption, such as the re-emergence of overt anti-Semitism on the…
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