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Among the masterpieces of Renaissance printing are two multi-volume Bibles presenting multiple different ancient versions of Scripture (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic) in parallel columns across the page, so-called Polyglot Bibles. These Bibles were monuments to intellectual and technical ...
Congratulation to BRGS doctoral student Rabbi Yosef Bronstein, who was chosen to represent all the RIETS musmakhim of the last four years at the quadrennial Chag ha-Semikhah. We are proud to present a video of his address.
The Bernard Revel Graduate School was pleased to welcome back alumna Dr. Shana Schick (BRG ’11) to deliver a special guest lecture on Tuesday evening, February 25th. Dr. Schick was the first woman to earn a doctorate in Talmud from Revel and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at The Center for ...
Esther in Ancient Jewish Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2014) On the background of a broad but detailed survey of major trends in Jewish thought during Second Temple times, this book provides a new understanding of the purpose and meaning of Esther. Focusing on intertextual relationships and…
It’s the only book in the Bible to omit all mention of God, the Torah and the land of Israel. Aside from Genesis, it’s also the most written-about biblical work in the Tal mud. Throughout the ages, the unique tension in the Book of Esther has made it one of the most fascinating books in Jewish ...
Rabbi Dr. David Sykes has published his book, Patterns in Genesis and Beyond, available on In this 602 page work, Rabbi Dr. Sykes presents a network of verbal and thematic connections found in the Chumash and Neviim Rishonim. These patterns shed light on the deeper messages embedded in…
On Monday, February 10 th , Yosef Kaplan, Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and world-renowned historian of the western Sephardi diaspora delivered a special Revel guest lecture, “The Challenges of Circumcision in the age of the Marranos.” Prominent among Kaplan’s ...
An icy snowstorm did not deter over 40 students, faculty and community members from gathering in Belfer Hall on February 3 to hear Dr. Isaiah Gafni, Sol Rosenbloom Professor of Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, present a lecture on images of the Talmudic sages in modern times ...
Join us for Shabbat Parashat Tazria March 28–29, 2014 in Washington Heights featuring Dr. Mordechai Cohen, Professor of Bible and Associate Dean, Dr. Daniel Tsadik Assistant Professor of Sephardic and Iranian Studies Don’t miss out on • Friday night home hospitality meals • Friday night Oneg at Mt…
On Monday, March 10, join a cross‐disciplinary panel of Yeshiva University scholars as they discuss the interpretive history of the Book of Esther, the story of the Jews in Persian lands, and the values and meaning of Purim today. Featuring: Aaron Koller, Associate Professor of Bible, Yeshiva ...

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