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Was the Universe Created in Six Days? The Views of Medieval Kabbalists by Rabbi Dr. Raphael Shuchat Date and Time: Tuesday, February 2nd 2016 at 6:30 pm Location: Furst Hall, Room 535. 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033 The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a ...
To listen to a full recording of the lecture click here. Dr. Lisa Fredman For those who were at the event and for those who work and engage with manuscripts, medieval or otherwise, on a regular basis I would love to hear your thoughts and impressions of Dr. Fredman’s talk! I'm especially curious ...
Free to all, the Arch of Titus: Rome and The Menorah was produced by YU Global in cooperation with the YU Center for Israel Studies. The Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah explores one of the most significant Roman monuments to survive from antiquity, from the perspectives of Roman, Jewish and ...
Dr. Lisa Fredman This Tuesday, December, 1, 2015 Dr. Lisa Fredman from Efrat, Israel addressed our PhD students at an informal luncheon. Dr. Fredman received her BA from Stern College and her MA and PhD in Bible from Bar Ilan University. Her doctoral thesis: "A Critical Edition of Rashi's…
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a lecture in its international scholars series by Esther Farbstein: How Did the Hungarian Rabbinate Confront the Challenges Generated by the Holocaust? Date and Time: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 7:30 pm Location: Glueck Center ...
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies invites you to a lecture by Dr. Lisa Fredman: Rashi's Biblical Commentaries: Can We Know What Rashi Actually Wrote? Date and Time: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm Location: Belfer Hall, Room 1214. 2495 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10033 The…
Dr. Daniel Rynhold with Professor Yair Lorberbaum at the PhD luncheon on Oct. 19th 2015 Revel’s PhD students had the privilege of meeting Professor Yair Lorberbaum at a private luncheon on Monday October 19 th in the Revel lounge. Lorberbaum is a distinguished scholar with a broad range of…
Professor Yair Lorberbaum On the evening of Monday October 19 th 2015, Revel’s visiting scholar, Professor Lorberbaum, addressed an engaged audience on the topic of ta’amei ha-mitzvot in the thought of Rashba. Lorberbaum is currently a professor at Bar Ilan University’s Law School. He has lectured…
Dr. Youde Fu with Dr. Daniel Rynhold, director of Bernard Revel's PhD program At a special luncheon on Monday, October 12 th our PhD students had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Youde Fu, the founder and director of the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious studies at Shandong University in China…
Dr. Youde Fu addressing the packed crowd on the evening of Tuesday, October 13th To watch the video recording of this lecture click here. In our increasingly global society, the opportunities for two distant cultures to interact and learn from each other have become more prevalent. This is not only…
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