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Rabbis Ezra Schwartz and Dovid Miller to Deliver Annual NYC – Jerusalem Kinus Teshuva Lectures on October 9 & 10 Rabbi Ezra Schwartz, Rosh Yeshiva and associate director of the semicha program at the Yeshiva University-affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) and Rabbi Dovid…
“I Am YU” Campaign Raises $6 Million From 2,700 Donors in 24 Hours, Shattering Fundraising Goal On September 20, Sy Syms School of Business senior Avi Sebbag was one of hundreds of volunteers making phone calls on behalf of Yeshiva University in Weissberg Commons on the Wilf Campus. Armed with…
Recent Alumni Achieve Outstanding Employment and Grad School Acceptance Rates For new college graduates, lining up the right job or getting into the perfect graduate school can feel daunting at best. At Yeshiva University, however, that’s simply not the case: according to data from a recent YU ...
Dear Members of the YU Community: I am pleased to announce that after many months of discussions, interviews and evaluations, the Presidential Selection Committee of the YU Board of Trustees is advancing the candidacy of Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman. Over the coming weeks, Dr. Berman will meet with…
David and Daniel Danesh Pay It Forward By Giving Back Talking with the Danesh brothers, David (’13SB, ’16C) and Daniel (’13YC, ’16C), is like running a race. Both speak at a fast pace and with great enthusiasm, thoroughly committed to whatever idea or observation they are discussing with keen ...
Goal to Raise $5 Million in 24 Hours, September 20 - 21, With “I Am YU” Campaign Yeshiva University will celebrate its first-ever Day of Giving on September 20, encouraging students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends to come together in a collective show of support for the University. Utilizing…
Students Make an Impact in Fields Ranging From Immunology to Chemistry Whether it’s a publication in a premier research journal or an internship in cancer studies at a world-class facility, students at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women have access to incredible opportunities, courses and…
On Labor Day Break, YU Students Travel to Baton Rouge to Fight Flood Damage For most college students, Labor Day is a last chance to relax and unwind before the fall semester’s barrage of classes, exams and research papers. But for a group of Yeshiva University students, the break was an…
Fully Subscribed in Its First Year, Program Receives Accreditation Candidacy Yeshiva University’s Master of Science degree program in speech-language pathology (SLP) has received accreditation candidacy status from the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (…
Rabbi Larry Rothwachs Brings Extensive Experience in Jewish Education and Communal Service to Position Rabbi Larry Rothwachs of Teaneck, New Jersey has been appointed director of professional rabbinics at Yeshiva University-affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS). The position…

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