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Tenth Cohort Awarded Grants to Pursue Research Ranging From Network Science to Cancer Treatments Yeshiva University’s focus on advanced undergraduate level research continues to intensify with the selection of five exceptional students for the Bertha Kressel Research Scholarship in 2018-2019. The…
Employees Celebrate at World Cup-Themed Annual Staff Appreciation Event On Monday, June 18, Yeshiva University’s Human Resources Department presented its Staff Appreciation Day Celebration on the Wilf Campus. Hundreds gathered in Weissberg Commons and Tenzer Gardens to take part in the annual event…
June 28 Wurzweiler Care Cafe Will Explore Mental Health Tools Through Creative Arts On June 28, Wurzweiler School of Social Work Care Cafe will host a special session designed to help participants free themselves from past anxieties and create a positive life outlook for the future. Called ...
June 26 Wurzweiler Care Cafe at Riverside Memorial Chapel Will Focus on Suicide Prevention Suicide, now at the highest recorded rate in 28 years, is becoming one of the biggest mental health issues facing all Americans. In partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Yeshiva ...
Dr. Ronnie Perelis Appointed Director of Rabbi Arthur Schneier Center for International Affairs Dr. Ronnie PerelisDr. Selma Botman, provost and vice president for academic affairs, has announced the appointment of Dr. Ronnie Perelis as director of The Rabbi Arthur Schneier Center for International…
Research Will Assess Quality of Hospice and Palliative Care Among LGBT Community, Provide Much-Needed Data Gary Stein, professor at Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University, and Dr. Cathy Berkman, associate professor of social work at Fordham University, are leading a research team ...
American Chemical Society Award Will Fund Student-Run Educational Science Modules at P.S. 134 For the ninth consecutive year, Stern College for Women’s Chemistry Club has been awarded the Community Interaction Grant by the American Chemical Society (ACS). The grant, which is intended for college ...
Beloved Stern College Bible Professor Passes Away at 91 Rabbi Dr. Moshe Meir Havazelet, longtime professor of Bible and midrash at Stern College for Women, passed away on May 29, 2018 at the age of 91. Dr. Havazelet was a charismatic and much-beloved professor with advanced degrees in Hebrew ...
Stern College Students Discover Unique Voices as Artists in Studio Art Program A visitor going through the double doors into the Department of Fine Arts at Stern College for Women might initially be disoriented by the visual chaos of materials and color and computers and artwork spilling out along…
Sociology Professor Recognized for Study of Employment and Family Trajectories in United States and Germany Dr. Silke Aisenbrey, associate professor and chair of the sociology department at Yeshiva University, has been named as one of five finalists for the 2018 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for ...
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