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At the tender age of four, the Commentator published its first Purim issue on March 1, 1939. The initial Purim edition was also the Commentator’s first foray into the use of color. The red ink may have referred to the Commentator’s nickname, the “Commie,” and was presumably chosen to match the ...
A century ago marked “the first anniversary of the beginning of a new epoch in Jewish education in America.” Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel had assumed the presidency of the Rabbinical College (Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary – RIETS) a year earlier, and re-organized it, breathing new life into…
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Prophecy in an Age of Uncertainty, by Rabbi Hayyim J. Angel. Maggid Books, 2016. Rabbi Angel’s new book explores the role of prophecy and the transition from prophecy to rabbinic authority during the early years of the Second Temple period. He addresses important ...
The recent Presidential inauguration has sparked curiosity regarding the relationships of our nation’s Chief Executives with Yeshiva University during the course of our institution’s history. Below is a selection of interesting findings from the collections of Yeshiva University Archives: The ...
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed 50,000 people in thirty-two states at demonstrations for Soviet Jewry all across the United States via a national telephone hook-up. The date was December 11, 1966 – United Nations Human Rights Day, which coincided with Chanukah that year. King was invited…
All-night study during final exams! Wilf Campus library hours will be extended to 6:00 AM during the final examination period. See schedules: Wilf | Beren. A fully re-designed libraries web site, based on extensive usability testing, was launched in tandem with the new Read Collection ...
Hanukah, the Festival of Lights and Latkes, was celebrated by students at Yeshiva and Stern with the traditional crispy potato delicacy flying hot off the frying pan in Mr. Parker’s kitchen. In the days when kosher restaurants and dining were limited and the YU cafeteria, known as “Parker’s,” was a…
Book Talk with Author Jeffrey S. Gurock Libby S. Klaperman Professor of Jewish History At the Seforim Sale Sunday, February 12, 2017 | 4 p.m. | Weissberg Commons Belfer Hall, 2495 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10033 The Jews of Harlem : The Rise, Decline and Revival of a Jewish Community, by ...
Note the refrigerators in the photograph. The advent of modern electric refrigeration is the primary factor in the end of the era of the large-scale ice business and the closing of the Knickerbocker ice plant. On December 12, 1946, Yeshiva students were stopped by police blockades on their way to…
Yeshiva’s first Hanukkah dinner took place over a century ago in 1915, in honor of the dedication of Yeshiva’s new home in a small refurbished building on Montgomery Street on New York’s Lower East Side. Yeshiva has a long history of Dining for the Divine on Hanukkah; a festivity of fellowship,…

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