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Please encourage your students to take advantage of instructional services at the YU Libraries by including the following in your syllabi: Get all the support you need with research for your courses. The Yeshiva University Libraries ( offer individualized consultations that will help…
Yeshiva University notice in the New York Times, April 10, 1968 Yeshiva University published this announcement in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the New York Times on April 10, 1968, six days after his tragic assassination on April 4, 1968, and a day after his funeral on April 9. In ...
Yeshiva University Libraries. Minhagim, Amsterdam, 1723. Strauss 3382. This woodcut is from a Yiddish Minhagim book (book of customs) published in Amsterdam in 1723 by Herts Levi Rofe. It depicts trees surrounding a table with the plethora of fruits customarily served in honor of Tu B’Shvat (the ...
Opening page of Book of Exodus, Amsterdam, 1724. Mendel Gottesman Library, on loan from Richard and Debra Parkoff, in honor of Abraham and Ruth Parkoff. What images do you conjure up when you imagine Sefer Shemot [Exodus], which we start reading in the synagogue this week? In the 1720s, an…
In this issue: Extended Hours for Reading and Final Examination Periods Student Library Research Award Submission Deadline Announced 2018-2019 Library Book Talks RefWorks for Citation Management Exhibit: Painting 1 Extended Hours for Reading and Final Examination Periods Libraries on both Wilf ...
The Central Relief Committee (CRC) issued a combined Thanksgiving and Chanukah fundraising brochure in 1915. The CRC was founded by the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America on October 14, 1914, three months after the outbreak of the First World War, to provide aid to “Jews in Eastern Europe…
Join us for a talk by Benyamim Tsedeka, director of A-B Center for Samaritan Studies in Holon, Israel, on the history and traditions of the Samaritans. Hear about the traditions of these descendants of the northern tribes of Israel and their connection to manuscripts housed in the library’s Special…
Thursday, December 13, 2018, 7:00 p.m. Gottesman Library, Wilf Campus, room 507. Library Book Talk with Ronnie Perelis, Chief Rabbi Dr. Isaac Abraham and Jelena (Rachel) Alcalay Associate Professor of Sephardic Studies. Identity, family, and community unite three autobiographical texts by New World…

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