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YU News

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Yeshiva University Archives would like your help! We are collecting material relating to the coronavirus pandemic and the Jewish community, focusing on Jewish communities in North America. Examples include community notices, announcements by rabbinic organizations, synagogues, schools and other ...
The Children of Israel were redeemed from Egypt in the merit of the righteous women of that generation (Sotah 11:2); women are obligated to partake of the four cups of wine on Passover, since they participated in the miracle (Pesahim 98:1-2); and in the twentieth century in the United States, the…
Yeshiva University Archives. Israeli Broadside Collection. Look at the lively, healthy-looking girl surrounded by a circle of sunlight crowning the title of the poster: she is a radiant picture of health. In this image, the sun’s corona, symbolizes light and well-being. The term corona, the Latin…
Masmid 1967 William B. Helmreich, eminent sociologist, and a 1967 graduate of Yeshiva University, has died, a victim of the Covid-19 virus. A noted scholar of Jewish life in America, his book Against All Odds: Holocaust Survivors and the Successful Lives They Made in America utilized information ...
The Yeshiva News GRAGER Even before Yeshiva College’s first graduating class in 1932, before the birth of the Commentator, students were provoking the administration and publishing Purim papers. The Yeshiva News GRAGER depicts a rabbinic style figure standing at a shtender reading a megillah while…
Did you know there was basketball at YU before the Maccabees? The earliest formal mention of basketball at Yeshiva College is in the 1931 Masmid, which noted that a team was formed with the approval of “the office and the Student’s Council ,” with L. [Louis] Izenstein as Captain. Izenstein hailed…
Most of the questions posed to the YU Archives are not things we have at our fingertips. Sure, there is lots of information we know almost off the tops of our heads from our many years working with Yeshiva’s historical records, or that we can quickly find out. But more often, we need to dig into…
Would you like to know who Rav Soloveitchik’s students were in 1960? Or what was the relationship between the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in 1940? Or can a Jewish marriage be annulled? Scholarly and popular articles and photographs on these subjects and a…
Discover aspects of the early history of Yeshiva University through the latest set of historic photos now available in the Libraries’ Digital Collections portal. Sense the palpable excitement in scenes of the 1927 cornerstone laying ceremony of the original main uptown building and its 1928 ...

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