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A recent law review article in the University of La Verne Law Review authored by Wurzweiler School of Social Work's Professor Daniel Pollack and Arizona attorney Gary L. Popham, Jr. illustrates the severity of cases involving wrongful death of foster children (University of La Verne Law Review ...
Ever wonder what causes customers to retaliate against companies as opposed to simply turning to other companies to purchase the product or services instead? Dr. Daniel Laufer, associate professor of marketing at Sy Syms School of Business, was part of a team of three researchers that examined this…
Dr. Michelle Levine, associate professor of bible at Stern College for Women, has recently published Nahmanides on Genesis: The Art of Biblical Portraiture (Brown University Press, 2009). Dr. Levine's book explores how Nahmanides - the foremost thirteenth century Spanish exegete, Rabbi Moses ben ...
Mr. Daniel Pollack Professor, Wurzweiler School of Social Work County near settlement with family of girl who died in foster care, Feb. 28, 2010 Mordecai Paldiel Adjunct Assistant Professor of Jewish History,Yeshiva University How diplomat's paperwork saved lives in Holocaust Washington…
Dr. Lee Manion, assistant professor of English at Stern College for Women, recently published "The Loss of the Holy Land and Sir Isumbras: Literary Contributions to Fourteenth-Century Crusade Discourse," Speculum 85.1 (January 2010): 65-90. His essay "Sovereign Recognition: Contesting Political ...
Dr. Joy Ladin, the David and Ruth Gottesman Professor of English at Stern College for Women, recently published Transmigration: Poems (Sheep Meadow Press, Fall 2009). She has also published a number of poems and other pieces, including: "The God Thing" in Prairie Schooner, 83.4 (Winter 2009): 55-7…
Dr. Linda Shires, chair of the English Department at Stern College for Women, recently published Perspectives: Modes of Viewing and Knowing in 19th Century England. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2009). A review of Erik Gray's Milton and the Victorians will soon appear in Victorians ...
Rev. Frederick J. Streets, the Carl and Dorothy Bennet Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Wurzweiler School of Social Work, appeared on NY1's recent coverage on the counseling services offered to family members of victims of the Haiti earthquake. Rev. Streets, a former chaplain of Yale University…
Dr. Eric E. Bouhassira Professor of cell biology and of medicine and the Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Blood Protein Offers Help Against Anemia ScienceDaily, Jan. 27, 2010 Dr. Mary E. FabryProfessor of ...
Rabbi Benjamin Blech, assistant professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University, had an article voted 'One of the Top 10 Articles of the Decade.' In the article, "The Secret" Revealed, published in March 2007, Blech grapples with the phenomenon surrounding The Secret, the bestselling book and ...

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