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Dr. Harvey Babich, professor of biology at Stern College for Women, and students Ayelet Bersson and Tehilla Brander recently published an article in B’Or Hatorah, a journal that explores science and art through the lens of Torah. Titled “Jews and Genes,” the article appears on pages 151-162 of the…
Dr. Cynthia Wachtell, director of Stern College for Women’s S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program, recently published an essay about Herman Melville, the famed Moby Dick author, in The New York Times. Her essay focuses on two drafts of Melville’s poem “Inscription for the Slain at Frederiksburgh,” a…
The first installment of the new Faculty Book Series in the Humanities took place on Thursday, November 28, at Stern College for Women. This series brings together members of the faculties of Yeshiva College and Stern College to discuss a recent publication. Each event takes the form of a dialogue…
Dr. Carmen Ortiz Hendricks, Dorothy and David I. Schachne Dean of Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work, will be named a Top Social Work Leader of the Profession by the National Association of Social Workers New York City Chapter at its sixth annual Leadership Awards Dinner on ...
Dr. Steven Fine, director of Yeshiva University's Center for Israel Studies, and Dr. Shai Secunda (‘07BR) have co-edited a book honoring Dr. Yaakov Elman, Professor of Talmud at YU. Titled Shoshanat Yakov and published by Brill Press, the book celebrates Elman’s contributions to a broad range of ...
Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald, associate professor of English and director of the Wilf Campus Writing Center, delivered the keynote address at the International Writing Centers Association Conference in San Diego, October 25-27. Her talk, “Undergraduate Writing Tutors as Researchers: Redrawing Boundaries…
Dr. S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Sy Syms Professor of Finance at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business, was a co-organizer of the 14th Annual Business and Economics Scholars Workshop in Motion Picture Industry Studies, which took place on November 1 in Los Angeles and was also sponsored by Sy…
The 31st edition of the Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy, edited by Cantor Bernard Beer, director of Yeshiva University’s Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, was recently published in conjunction with the Cantorial Council of America (CCA). Beer succeeded longtime editor and cantor…
An article by Stern College for Women biology faculty Dr. Harvey Babich, Dr. Harriet L. Zuckerbraun, Dr. Alyssa G. Schuck and Dr. Jeffrey H. Weisburg appears in the first edition of Tea in Health and Disease Prevention (Elsevier/Academic Press 2013), edited by Victor R. Preedy. The article is…
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, will be Scholar-in-Residence at the Young Israel of Kew Garden Hills on November 16-17, 2012. Over the course of the weekend, he will deliver three lectures, titled: “Did Moshe Rabbeinu…

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