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Dr. Matthew Miller and Dr. Nora Nachumi, both associate professors of English at Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women, have recently published book reviews. Matt Miller Miller's review of Whitman Among the Bohemians by Joanna Levin and Edward Whitley appears in the current issue of the Walt…
Dr. Ari Mermelstein, assistant professor of Bible at Yeshiva College, will publish an article in the November issue of The Journal for the Study of Judaism. Titled " Constructing Fear and Pride in the Book of Daniel: The Profile of a Second Temple Emotional Community," the article examines the ...
Dr. Robin Freyberg, clinical assistant professor of psychology at Stern College for Women, recently published two chapters in the American Psychological Association's Handbook of Nonverbal Communication (APA, September 2015). The book provides scholarly reviews of state-of-the-art knowledge in the…
Peninnah Schram, professor emerita of speech and drama at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, presented a storytelling workshop for select Israeli English department high school teachers at a conference titled“Diplomacy and International Communication in English: Inquire, Engage, Inspire…
Dr. Michelle Levine, associate professsor of Bible at Stern College for Women, delivered a lecture on Shabbat Shuvah before Yom Kippur at Congregation Ohel Yizhak, Kew Gardens Hills, NY, to an audience of about 50 women. She spoke on the topic: "Shuvah Yisrael- Hosea's Poignant Plea for Repentance."
Marc Goldman, executive director of Yeshiva University’s Career Center, will deliver a key workshop at the New York State Cooperative & Experiential Education Association (NYSCEEA) 2015 Conference in Troy, New York from October 18-20, 2015. He will deliver the closing keynote workshop, titled…
Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich, professor of Talmud at YU’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and the Herbert and Florence Tenzer Professor of Jewish Law at its Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and Dr. Arthur J. Jacobson, Max Freund Professor of Litigation and…
Dr. Steven Fine, Dr. Pinkhos Churgin Professor of Jewish History and director of Yeshiva University’s Center for Israel Studies, has contributed an essay to the recent Metropolitan Museum of Art publication Age of Transition: Byzantine Culture in the Islamic World (2015). The essay is part of a ...
Michal Melamed Three researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine recently received their first R01 grants from the National Institutes of Health—a major milestone in an academic scientist’s career. Dr. Michal Melamed, associate professor in the department of epidemiology and public…
Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich, Herbert and Florence Tenzer Professor of Jewish Law and Ethics at Yeshiva University, recently published an article for the International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family titled, "A Proposal to Withhold Divorce Decrees on Grounds of Equity." Bleich discusses the…

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