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Dr. Robert Engle The Sy Syms School of Business Faculty Seminar hosted Dr. Robert Engle, 2003 Nobel Laureate in Economics and Michael Armellino Professor of Finance at New York University Stern School of Business, for a talk on September 22, 2016, titled “Prospects for Global Financial Stability…
The writings and career of Dr. David Shatz, Ronald P. Stanton University Professor of Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought and chair of the philosophy department at Stern College for Women, are the subject of a new volume in Brill's Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers Series. Titled ...
A paper by Dr. S. Abraham Ravid, professor of finance at the Sy Syms School of Business, has just been accepted at the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, edited at Harvard University, and will be published in a forthcoming issue. In “Input Hedging, Output Hedging, and Market Power,"…
Rabbi Gideon Shloush, adjunct instructor in Jewish studies at Stern College for Women and coordinator of professional rabbinic education at YU-affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), has been appointed executive vice president of Mizrachi HaPoel Mizrachi of America - Religious…
Dr. Michelle Levine, associate professor of Bible at Stern College for Women, recently delivered a number of lectures to various communities in the United States. At the end of July, Levine delivered the keynote speech for the annual Yarchei Kallah sponsored by NILI- Chicago Institute of Women’s ...
Dr. Moses Pava, dean of Sy Syms School of Business and Alvin H. Einbender Chair in Business Ethics, will have his concepts of “covenantal leadership” discussed in depth in the next issue of the Gradazio Business Review of Pepperdine University (Los Angeles, California). According to Dr. Cam…
Dr. Jonathan Feldman, professor of psychology at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology and assistant clinical professor of epidemiology and population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, recently co-authored an article on “Psychological treatment of comorbid asthma and panic disorder in…
Dr. Marnin Young, associate professor of art history at Stern College for Women, received an honorable mention from the Robert Motherwell Book Award of the Dedalus Foundation for his book, Realism in the Age of Impressionism: Painting and the Politics of Time, published by Yale University Press in…
Twenty-eight-foot backpainted glass mural of the Milky Way at the entrance to the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore. Mary Therese Creede, lecturer in painting and design in the art department of Stern College of Women, and John Jerard, lecturer in 3-D design at Stern College, recently created ...
Dr. Cynthia Wachtell, director of the S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program and research associate professor of American studies at Stern College for Women, has published a number of essays. She contributed four essays to Opposition to War: An Encyclopedia of United States Peace and Antiwar Movements ...

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