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Dr. Tamar Avnet, associate professor of marketing at the Sy Syms School of Business, presented a paper co-authored with Anne-Laure Sellier, associate professor of marketing at HEC Paris, and Shiri Melumad, a PhD candidate in marketing at Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, at a recent…
Dr. Steven Fine, Dean Pinchos Churgin Professor of Jewish History and director of the Center for Israel Studies, published a piece in AJS Perspectives, the magazine for the Association of Jewish Studies. Fine was a founding editor of the publication. In a Forum on Pedagogy on the subject of “ ...
Daniel Pollack, professor at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work, recently published two articles in Policy & Practice, the journal of the American Public Human Services Association. In “ Failing to Call an Expert Witness in Criminal Child Maltreatment Cases May Be ‘Ineffective Assistance of…
Dr. Chaim Nissel, dean of students at Yeshiva University and adjunct assistant instructor at Wurzweiler School of Social Work, presented four days of suicide prevention training in the northern Minnesotan cities of Bemidji and Duluth on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Health. These mini ...
Dr. Michelle Levine, associate professor of Bible at Stern College for Women, recently delivered a number of lectures to various communities in New York. In March, she spoke at the Young Israel of Oceanside for their annual Tanach be-Shanah Series on the topic, “Recording Nature’s Song in Sefer ...
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Cohen, associate dean of at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and professor of Bible, gave a 9-hour course on Jewish Bible interpretation at the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies at Shandong University in May. The aim of the course was to introduce…
Robert Tufts, adjunct instructor in management, has long been a strong advocate for patient and doctor access and choice in medical care. In a recent video on the website Patients Rising, he comments on the situation of Mariah Zebrowski Leach and Chantelle Marcial, who have worked with their…
Dr. Eric Goldman, adjunct professor of cinema, posted a review of a new Israeli film, “The Wedding Plan,” by director Rama Burshtein, in the Jewish Standard. In an interview with Goldman, Burshtein said she was tired of seeing film portraits of her ultra-Orthodox Israeli community in a negative ...
Dr. David Glaser, professor of music, premiered his Concertino No. 1 for Guitar and Chamber Ensemble at the annual Stern College for Women ensemble-in-residence concert on March 27, 2017. The piece was performed by The Diener Chamber Ensemble and conducted by James Baker at the Yeshiva University…
Dr. Bruno Galantucci, associate professor of psychology, published an entry in the Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Linguistics titled “ Experimental Semiotics" (ES). Galantucci describes the field as “a burgeoning new discipline aimed at investigating in the laboratory the development of novel forms…

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