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Weizmann Institute of Science. The Rockefeller University. Stanford University School of Medicine. These esteemed science institutes and academic programs can all claim David Kastner ’05YC, an MD/PhD candidate in neuroscience from Stanford University, as a student or researcher. Now the École ...
This year’s 25, 40, and 50-year reunion classes had a daylong event on May 30th that began with the undergraduate Commencement ceremony, continued with tours of the Wilf and Beren campuses and culminated in a gala dinner at the Grand Hyatt in Manhattan. View photos here. The theme of legacy…
After graduating Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business, Los Angeles native Sharona Motkin ’08SB began working at Goldman Sachs, having accepted a full-time position as a financial analyst after a coveted yearlong internship. Three years into the job, Motkin realized her passions lay ...
Nearly 20 years ago, on a lazy, summer day, four bored teenagers spontaneously decided to ride their bikes through Pikesville, a Baltimore neighborhood, to play a series of basketball games. They called it Tour de Court. That idea became an annual tradition, as those players – and the many more who…
Yeshiva University has an exceptionally high legacy rate – estimated at around 60% -- and that statistic is always apparent at class reunions. This year, among the classes of 1963, 1973, and 1988, there are several legacies celebrating their 25th, 40th, and 50th reunions. The various relationships…
There are so many wonderful ways to connect to YU in the New York metro area, but graduates in cities across the country and in Israel, don’t want to miss out! With a focus on networking and building their bond with YU, alumni are coming together in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and Jerusalem this…
The theme of Bridging Generations ran through the community-wide Yom Hashoa Program at Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills on Sunday night, April 7. The annual event, sponsored by the David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation Institute on the Shoa U’Gevurah at Yeshiva University and Ernie and…
When Nick Muzin ’97YC, ’01E was growing up in Toronto, few Canadians attended Yeshiva University. But after learning about YU from Admissions Director Michael Kranzler when he went to recruit in Toronto, Muzin decided the opportunity to combine a top-rate college education with Yeshiva learning, in…
Professor Gillian Steinberg, an associate professor of English and Director of English Composition, is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She holds an MA and PhD from the University of Delaware. At Yeshiva College, she directs the composition program in addition to…
Dr. Jacob Wisse is an Associate Professor of Art History at Stern College for Women, Co-Chair of YU’s Department of Fine Arts and Music, and Director of Yeshiva University Museum. He has headed the art history program at Stern since 2005 and the YU Museum since 2009. During his first year at YU, he…

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