MarineMARINE SCENE: One of the most intriguing images in the manuscript is this scene featuring two mythological mermen. Use of mythological figures is not unusual in Jewish art. Many examples are known from mosaic pavements in Beit Alfa and Hammath Tiberias, among others. Since antiquity, however, such blatantly pagan symbols (with the exception of the rather benign cherubs, which actually depict the Roman god Cupid) have been noticeably absent from illuminated Jewish liturgical texts. The appearance of this scene even surprised Lewin. When describing and discussing this manuscript in the catalogue for the 1929 exhibition, he wrote: "Zu beachten sind die Zeichnungen rein weltlichen Charakters, die eigentlich in ein Synagogen-Buch nicht gehören" (Note the illustrations which are secular in nature, and not quite appropriate for a synagogue book).