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Dr. Trimboli is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of English at Yeshiva University, where he has also served as the Interim Director, and Assistant Director, of the Wilf Campus Writing Center. Professor Trimboli has over 50 poetry publications, has held fellowships from Bucknell University, Binghamton University, and New York University, and has worked extensively with veterans through poetry workshops in New York. He teaches courses on academic writing, digital literature, creative writing in non-fiction, fiction, and poetry, and he has taught the graphic novel and fiction-to-film previously.
The Brothers, Perdendo and Perdendosi can be downloaded for free, as it has been sold out, directly from the publisher, and his most recently published poems can be found at Paperbag Journal. He has also served as the Poetry Editor for Wreck Park, Washington Square Review, and Harpur Palate.
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