We can help
The Title IX team can assist you in connecting with any of the agencies or organizations listed, on or off campus.
The University is aware of the emotional trauma often suffered by a victim of sexual violence, and therefore it has designated trained counselors in its Counseling Center to serve as sexual assault coordinators for the University.
Email counseling@yu.edu and ask for a sexual assault coordinator or contact:
Counselors at these centers can offer advice and support.
For medical and mental health emergencies occurring outside of Counseling Center operating hours:
call campus security, dial 911 for NYC emergency services, or call Hatzalah Ambulance Corps at
(212) 230-1000.
Campus Safety is available on the Beren and Wilf campuses 24 hours a day.
The Office of Disability Services assists students in obtaining reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities including physical, emotional, visual, hearing, learning disabilities, ADHD and temporary disabilities. They may assistant students with accommodations due to temporary or permanent disability as a result of sex-based misconduct or provide accommodations for students participating in the conduct process with a documented disability.
There are also many outside sources of support available to victims. Reporting to one of these resources will not trigger an investigation by the University. Reporting persons should inquire about the level of confidentiality for any off-campus services.
The Title IX team can assist you in connecting with any of the agencies or organizations listed, on or off campus.