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Alumni Affairs March 2025 Newsletter

Header of the YU Office of Alumni Affairs

Alumni Newsletter

March 2025

Beth Lebenson Praver headshot

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all well and are looking forward to spring as much as I am. The Seforim Sale just finished this week, and it brought the flurry of activity to campus that I’m sure you recall from your time as students.

Another whirlwind coming to YU next month is Giving Day, which you probably also recall from your time on campus. Wednesday, April 2, is the 24-hour campaign to support YU and raise needed funds for scholarships.
Giving Day is unique among the university’s philanthropic endeavors, in that it’s the single day when all alumni simultaneously stand up to be counted as supporters of the only American university that flies the Israeli flag 365 days a year, offers Torah learning right alongside secular studies and where no student is ever fearful to be proudly, boldly, authentically Jewish.

I use this space monthly to let you know about upcoming alumni events that I think will be of interest to you.

This month, in addition, I hope you’ll take a few moments to think about how much Yeshiva University means to you. You can actually support Giving Day now!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss whatever is on your mind. My door is always open.

With care,


Beth Lebenson Praver
Director of Alumni Engagement
646.592.4493 |

Upcoming Events

Illuminating Texts, Inspiring Minds

On Sunday, March 2, 2025, the Yeshiva College Dean's Office and the Yeshiva College Department of Bible, Hebrew, and Near Eastern Studies will hold a symposium to honor Professor Moshe J. Bernstein (David A. and Fannie M. Denenberg Chair in Biblical Studies).

The colloquium will take place live on the Wilf Campus and will be broadcast over Zoom. Attendance in person or online is free but advance registration is required at

The Anne Frank Exhibition

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 — The Office of Alumni Affairs and the Emil A. and Jenny Fish Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies invite YU alumni and friends to “The Anne Frank Exhibition: Antisemitism in Europe Revisited” for an exclusive evening of learning in community.

The evening will begin with a light dinner, followed by a tour of a full-sized recreation of The Annex where the Franks hid during the Holocaust, an exact replica of The Annex in Amsterdam. After the tour, faculty from the Fish Center and the Anne Frank Center of the United States will put the experience into modern-day context. Dessert to follow.

This event is currently sold out, but more tickets may become available on Sunday, March 2, or Monday, March 3. Please check back for availability.

An Evening of Independent Learning

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 — Young alumnae are invited to gather at Shenk Shul, 560 W. 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, for an evening of women’s independent learning.There will be a featured shiur by Rabbi Mordechai Willig (Dr. Sol Roth Chair in Talmud and Contemporary Halakhah); Rosh Yeshiva; Lecturer in Talmud. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. and is free, but registration is required. Dessert will be served. Register».

RIETS Evening of Tribute

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 — The Dor L’Dor Award will be given to Benyamin and Esti Kaminetzky; Rabbi Eliezer Kaminetzky (RIETS ’66); Rabbi Shai (RIETS ’21), Rabbi Zvi (RIETS ’24), Ari and Yis Kaminetzky; Dr. Shalom Rosenbaum and Ezra Rotblat.

A Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to Dr. David Pelcovitz (Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education) along with the Installation of the RIETS Deans: Rabbi Dr. Yosef Kalinsky (Max and Marion Grill Administrative Dean) and Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz (Abraham Arbesfeld Torah Dean). Register»

Save the Date for YU Giving Day

On Wednesday, April 2, 2025, one community will work together on one goal for one day to fund scholarships, support pioneering research, improve our facilities and establish new programs.

Donations, no matter the amount, will be combined with the dynamic philanthropy of the YU community, including significant matching gifts, to secure YU’s future.

Don’t want to wait until April? Make your gift today and get it multiplied by our matching funds — we’ll count it all toward our Giving Day totals!

Save May 22, 2025, for Your Class Reunion

If you are an alum from the classes of 1964, 1965, 1975 or 2000, celebrate your 25th, 50th, 60th and 61st reunions in style at the YU Commencement at Louis Armstrong Stadium at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.

You and your fellow alumni are invited for a private lunch, after which you’ll put on full academic attire and march at Commencement, just like you did so many years ago. Be on the lookout for registration information.

Past Events

  • Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025 – Almost 150 alumnae and friends of YU attended the second annual Women’s Yom Iyun: Come Learn at Stern, which focused on Living Unique Lives: Serving as an אור לגוים. The women returned to Stern College for Women and learned with Shoshana Schechter (Associate Dean of Torah Studies and Spiritual Life), Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz (Abraham Arbesfeld Torah Dean), Dr. Rebecca Cypess (Mordecai D. Katz and Dr. Monique C. Katz Dean of the Undergraduate Faculty of Arts and Sciences), Professor Rachel Besser and Rabbi Shay Schacter. See the pictures»
  • Monday, Feb. 17, 2025 – Almost 300 alumni attended YU’s third annual Dor L’Dor men’s learning on the Wilf Campus in what has quickly become the “can’t miss” men’s event of the year. YU alumni and their sons, grandsons and other male relatives participated in the vibrancy of the Beit Midrash and shiurim, just like they did when they were students. See the pictures»
  • Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025 – More than 150 YU alumni, friends and family attended the annual Alumni Night with the MACS. The crowd gathered Motzei Shabbat at the Max Stern Athletic Center for dinner before watching the MACS take on Mount Saint Mary College in the last home game of the regular season. See the pictures»

YU in Israel

  • YU Israel is looking for Israel-based companies interested in hiring YU students for a 6-week summer internship. For more information reach out to John Perez or Susan Sheldon.
  • Stephanie Strauss and Professor Yaffa Zilbershats are featured speakers at the World Emunah Women’s Leadership in Israel Conference (Nefesh B'Nefesh Jerusalem Aliyah Campus, Cinema City) on March 6, 2025, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
  • Alumni in Israel: If you are an alum who lives in Israel, please take a moment to update your information with the alumni office. Let us know how best to reach you and share what kinds of engagement interest you and stay updated on local events and news. For questions or information, reach out to Susan Sheldon,
  • Resources in Israel: Since Oct. 7, our Israel office has been a resource to both our visiting and local staff, students and alumni in finding meaningful ways to assist Israel in times of need. Whether you’re looking to volunteer for a few hours or a few days, we can connect you with impactful opportunities. From working on farms to tying tzitzit for soldiers or cooking for families with loved ones in miluim [reserve duty], we’re here to help match you with a project that makes a difference. Again, for questions or information, reach out to Susan Sheldon,
  • Planning a trip to Israel? Stay connected with YU to make the most of your trip! The Alumni Office at YU Israel can help with recommendations on where to go, how to have impactful volunteer opportunities and just to be a general resource to ensure you feel connected and have a meaningful experience while you're in Israel. Email Susan Sheldon at to discuss.


Torah Tuesdays

Follow the Office of Alumni Affairs on Facebook and enjoy our Torah Tuesdays feature, where learned alumni are invited to submit a short video to share a bit of Torah wisdom each week. Submit a Torah Tuesday feature yourself at!

Volunteer Opportunity

Helping Students

Are you interested in helping students with things like quick résumé reviews, informational interviews and preparing for careers in your industry? Please consider joining the YU Mentoring Volunteer Program, a group of over 800 alumni willing to speak to students about career-related topics. Your commitment is extremely flexible, and you set the amount of availability you have for students per month. For any questions or help registering for YU-MVP, contact

Need to Know

  • You can find more news about Yeshiva University at YU News.
  • Are you a YU sports fan? Check out the full sports calendar and don’t miss a game!
  • See what’s been happening with your fellow alumni in the Class Notes.
  • Sy Syms has also put out its alumni newsletter, which can be found on LinkedIn and the web.

Join the YU Alumni Association

If you haven’t yet, you are missing out on some great benefits.

Not only can you get an alumni ID card that gains you access to places like the libraries and campus happenings, you also get notices about specialized networking events, job opportunities and career support, social gatherings, reunions, minyan access on campus and legacy admission support.

Join the Association Today»

Update Your Information

So we can better serve you, please update your contact information, especially if you have moved or changed your email address. We don't want you to miss out on the wonderful things happening at your alma mater.

Contact Us

  • Promote Your Business: Don't miss an opportunity to put your business in front of an alumni community 70,000-strong. (Beth Lebenson Praver,
  • Prep YU Students for the Workplace: Any alumni interested in potentially becoming a mentor, speaking on a panel, hosting an intern or otherwise engaging with students is welcome to contact the Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development anytime. There are short- and long-term mentorship programs available, and we are always looking for opportunities for students. Contact Todd Lotcpeich, senior director of employer relations and engagement, at
  • Hosting Events: If you would like to host an affinity event, we would love to take you up on your offer. (Beth Lebenson Praver,

Yeshiva University Office of Alumni Affairs
500 West 185th Street | Belfer Hall 7th Floor | New York, NY 10033
646.592.4490 |>strong>