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M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies: About

Making the World Smarter, Safer and Healthier


At its March 2024 meeting, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) placed the Yeshiva University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Yeshiva University on Accreditation-Probation status until its next review in March 2026

Probation accreditation is a temporary accreditation status initially of not less than two years. However, that period may be extended by the ARC-PA for up to an additional two years if the ARC-PA finds that the program is making substantial progress toward meeting all applicable standards but requires additional time to come into full compliance. Probation accreditation status is granted at the sole discretion of the ARC-PA when a program holding an accreditation status of Accreditation - Provisional or Accreditation - Continued does not, in the judgment of the ARC-PA, meet the Standards or when the capability of the program to provide an acceptable educational experience for its students is threatened. 

Once placed on probation, a program that fails to comply with accreditation requirements in a timely manner, as specified by the ARC-PA, may be scheduled for a focused site visit and is subject to having its accreditation withdrawn. 

The Yeshiva University Physician Assistant Program is scheduled for a focused site visit in advance of the March 2025 commission meeting. This visit will evaluate the PA Program and institutional progress in addressing specific citations identified during the course of the most recent commission review of the PA Program. Failure of the PA Program and institution to demonstrate significant progress in addressing these citations is likely to result in the withdrawal of accreditation. 

Specific questions regarding the program and its plans should be directed to the program director and/or the appropriate institutional officials. 

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at

Mission and Values

Program Mission

The Yeshiva University PA program will prepare diverse, culturally competent physician assistants to lead lives of compassion, generosity, and integrity as they provide effective, patient-centered health care for patients from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. The PA program mission will be accomplished through the provision of a nurturing learning environment, excellence in teaching and learning, service to the community, and the delivery of evidence-based medical education. As part of the Katz School of Science and Health, Yeshiva University, our students will lead with integrity, generosity and a commitment to making the world smarter, safer and healthier.

Program Values

  • Compassion: Care delivered with compassion and empathy promotes healing leads to better outcomes for patients and clinicians alike. Communication skills that foster the development of compassion will be honed through coursework and supervised patient care experiences.
  • Generosity: Recognition that the life of another is as valuable as one’s own is fundamental in the practice of medicine and the service of patients. Altruistic behaviors and selflessness will be developed through active community service both locally and globally.
  • Integrity: Integrity is the bedrock of trust development between the patient and clinician. Adherence to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in the classroom and during supervised clinical practice experiences is mandatory.
  • Diversity: Diversity of students and staff leads to a rich experience in the classroom and clinic while fostering the development of cultural competence. Ensuring that all students regardless of their learning needs feel valued and supported. This approach encourages collaboration, empathy, and cultural competence which are essential for future healthcare professionals.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration on inter-professional health care teams promotes patient-centered care and improves patient outcomes.
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