Apr 19, 2016 By: mlebovic

This lecture will examine the central cultic objects in the Hebrew Bible, namely the “ark of the covenant” and its cherubim statues, through analysis of the relevant biblical passages and of their ancient Near Eastern context as reflected in material, iconographic and paleographic data.It will be argued that this analysis generates solutions to a host of unsolved puzzles, such as the question of what cherubim look like, and leads to a new explanation of the nature of the ark and the cherubim, overturning the prevailing scholarly view of them as constituting an “empty throne” and footstool for the God of Israel.
Raanan Eichler is a postdoctoral fellow in the Departmentof Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. A recipient of numerous awards, including the Moshe Weinfeld Memorial Prize, the Isaac Leo Seeligmann Memorial Prize and the Biblical Archaeology Society’s Joseph Aviram Fellowship, he is an alumnus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Democracy Institute, the Shalem Center, Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav and the French Hill PingPong Club. His articles have appeared or been accepted for publication in Journal of Biblical Literature, Vetus Testamentum,Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Biblica, Journal of Semitic Studies and Tarbiz, and he edited the Hebrew edition of Leon Kass’ book on Genesis,The Beginning of Wisdom.
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