Sep 18, 2015 By: mta
By Ari Hagler ('16)
"Names, Not Numbers"©, a 12th grade elective in which participants interview survivors of the Holocaust and compile the stories into a documentary, has gotten off to an amazing start. The program had an inaugural meeting this Thursday, featuring Rabbi Taubes, Mrs. Rosenberg, Rabbi Richter, and Michael Puro, the documentary filmmaker who has worked with special program for several years. Rabbi Taubes began by discussing the importance of the program. He pointed out that the participants are part of the last generation that has the privilege of meeting survivors face to face. He recounted the impact the program has had on students and survivors alike in previous years, and shared his hope that it would become an even greater experience with each progressive year. Mrs. Rosenberg and Rabbi Richter outlined the details of the program and what it would entail going forward. This will include learning about Jewish history before the Holocaust, taking lessons in videography and film editing, and, of course, interviewing the survivors. YUHSB has produced nine "Names, Not Numbers" masterpieces which are archived in the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem, and in Yad Vashem. The students are anticipating great success in the school's tenth Holocaust film documentary.