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Herzog College and YU Press Publish Second Hebrew-English Edition of Megadim

Megadim cover In August 2022, the second Hebrew-English issue of the biblical studies journal Megadim was published by Herzog College in partnership with Yeshiva University Press (YU Press) Since 1986, the journal has published over sixty issues exclusively in Hebrew, featuring original biblical analyses by Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, Dr. Yael Ziegler, Rabbi Yaakov Medan and other renowned Israeli scholars. In 2021, Herzog College published Megadim's first Hebrew-English volume together with the Yeshiva University Press.  "Herzog College's partnership with Yeshiva University in the publication of the Megadim journal offers a unique platform, presenting novel interpretations of peshuto shel mikra—the simple meaning of the biblical text—to an English-speaking audience," said Shalom Berger, editor of the Megadim English section and himself a YU alumnus. "We look forward to continued partnership with YU on this project and other joint efforts in the future."   Among the articles featured in this year's issue are "Recovering the Land: Nehemia 9 and Ramban" by Rabbi Shalom Carmy, Yeshiva University assistant professor of Jewish philosophy and Bible; "The Biblical Verse as the Source of Halakha in Ramban's Normative Jurisprudence" by Rabbi Dr. Itamar Rosensweig, chair of Jewish studies at the Sy Syms School of Business and assistant professor of philosophy at Yeshiva College; "The Motive on Enticement to Christianity in Rashi's Commentary to Proverbs" by YU alumna Dr. Lisa Fredman; and "Nadav, Avihu, and the Second Passover" by YU alumnus Shimon Maged.   The English contributions to the issue were edited by a YU faculty editorial committee, which includes Rabbi Hayyim Angel (Bible instructor at the Isaac Breuer College of Hebraic Studies); Dr. Deena Rabinovich (chair of the Judaic studies department at Stern College for Women); Dr. Mordechai Z. Cohen (associate dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and director of the Chinese-Jewish Conversation); Dr. Naomi Cohen Grunhaus (associate professor of Bible); and Dr. Stu Halpern (senior adviser to the provost and Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought deputy director). "YU Press," said Dr. Halpern, "is once again proud to partner with our friends at Herzog College in producing a journal volume with such rich and rewarding biblical analysis, which showcases uniquely talented educators in both Israel and the US."  The issue can be read in its entirety here.